39. Jessie

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Princeton and I have been going to the infirmary every day since the attack and since the siblings were brought in. Today was no different. But today, unlike the days before, was different. Apollo and Zab were also with us. But there was something that was bothering Apollo. He was very tense and his jaw was clenched that I feared his teeth would crack.

"Apollo?" I asked and the male blinked and looked dow at me, "are you alright?" Both Princeton and Zabdiel stood and look in our direction and Apollo nodded but I knew there was something off. I saw it back when we were being attacked too.

"I'm fine," he replied and I looked at him but he had already begun walking again and I sighed.

Princeton looked at me with a raised brow but I shook my head before following after them. We agreed that they would stay a few feet away from the rooms and that I would come get them when the siblings were ready to speak with them. So when we neared, Apollo and Zabdiel stoped along with Princeton. Apollo clenched his jaw and was even more tense then before when we entered the infirmary.

"I will come get you once they're ready to talk, okay?" I said and they nodded so I turned on my heel and walked the extra coiled feet until I reached the room they were in and gave it a soft knock before opening it once I was given the okay to enter. I smiled when I saw them all dressed in the clothes the room managed to get donated from the pack.

"Hello," I greeted them and they smiled, they were no longer skin and bones. They had out some weight and looked their now.

"Hi," they greeted back with smiles of their own.

"How are you feeling?" I asked standing a few feet from them and they shrugged. "Did Doctor Mel say anything about the babies?"

Julia and Jax shook their heads and I nodded, "all she said was that they were under weight due to us being malnourished." Julia replied and I nodded. Princeton and I had been with them when Doctor Mel broke the news to the two.

"I have some news for you both,"Doctor Mel had said looking at Julia and Jax as she walked into the room a week after the attack.

"Do you think it's ideal to tell them now?" Princeton asked her and the doctor nodded.

"Tell us what?" Julia asked from her bed in the middle.

"Is there something wrong with them?" Jaime asked looking at his siblings.

"What's wrong with us?" Jax asked.

Princeton and I looked at the doctor and went to leave but Julia spoke up, "Please stay."

"Are you sure?" I asked and they nodded so that's what we did. We stayed with them when Mel told Julia and Jax that they were expecting.

"What?!" They yelled as they jumped from their beds, tears steaming down their faces and Jaime and stood their shocked at the news.

"Julia you are four months along," Mel said and we were shocked that she was so far along without even showing but then again she was skin and bones meaning that the bay wasn't getting the nutrients it needed to grow. Julia shook her head as she paced the hospital roll floor fingers in her hair.

"Fucking bastard,"she cursed her father, "you fucking bastard!" She punched the wall but her brother, Jaime, was quick to grab her before she could hurt self even more. She thrashed and screamed and cried and I couldn't blame her. Nor could I blame Jax for having a similar reaction.

"How far along am I?" He asked, his voice horse from crying and Doctor Mel liked at her notes before replying.

"You're 3 months along." She said.

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