17. Jessie

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"How is he?" I looked over my shoulder at the sound of Caleb's voice and saw him standing at the door and sighed before turning back to look at Princeton.

"Same as he had been for the past three days," I replied and heard as he moved into the room before I felt his hand on my shoulder giving it a light squeeze.

I didn't even know about Princeton being injured until I had woken up in the infirmary. It had confused me as to why I had ended up there as I didn't do anything to cause me to be taken to the doctor or anything that could lead to me being taken there.

"You were experiencing the same pain that Princeton was feeling during the attack," the doctor had explained when I had woken up to find her checking my vitals. "Though you two have yet to complete the mate bond, you will experience the pain of your mate, though it wasn't as painful as it would have had you two completed the bond."

"How is he?" I had asked her then and all she had to do was look over to the bed beside my own and that's when I saw him. His entire chest was wrapped in bandages, his left leg was in a sling. He was unconscious with the only indication that he was alive being the constant beeping of the heart monitor and the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

That was exactly three days ago and nothing has changed since other than his injuries have healed completely.

"He'll wake soon, don't you worry," Caleb said making me look up at him, "he's one tough son of a bitch."

It still surprised me how he could say such a thing about his son but then again, Princeton—from what little I remember of him before he moved to study I. Texas—was the same way.

"I got that from my Mama," a voice murmured among me looking away from Caleb and back at the end to see Princeton smiling and I felt my eyes sting with unshed tears.

"That you did, kid, that you did." Caleb chuckled before walking away saying he would let the family and everyone else know that he was awake.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as he raised his hand and I sucked in a breath as I felt those familiar tingles on my skin from his touch, "I didn't mean to worry you."

I swallowed the lump in my throat as he wiped the lone tear away and smiled, "I'm just glad that you're awake." 

He smiled and pulled me down gently so our lips touched in a soft kiss, I felt my heart racing as we kissed and I knew he could hear it but didn't care.

We pulled apart after a few seconds as we needed air and as he was about to say something the door banged open making me jump and turn to see Lucas and Princeton's siblings barged in before pausing. Their eyes were wide as they realized what they had interrupted.

"Big brother!" The twins squealed before running to the bed making Princeton smile. "You're okay"

"I am," He replied with a smile making the twins beam up at him with bright eyes, "I'm sorry for scarring you."

"It's okay," they replied in unison making me smile, "Jessie has been here with you." I felt my face heat up at Lucian's words and felt Princeton's eyes on me.

"Has he?" He asked and they hummed nodding their heads, "I'm glad that he was." I bit my cheek at his words and the way he took my hand in his. "He's been the only thing on my mind the entire time I was healing."

"Come on little ones, let's leave your brother and Jessie alone. We'll see him again in a few hours." Luca said making the twins whine but with a look from their Mama, they quickly stopped and obeyed him. Bella—who was carrying a sleeping Sara—gave us a knowing smirk before, she too, followed Lucas and the twins.

"My siblings will be happy to know you're awake," I said once we were once again left alone and he raised a brow making me smile as I took a seat on the plastic chair by the bed, "Especially Joshua."

"Yeah?" He asked and I hummed.

"He's been very worried about you ever since you were put into an induced coma so you could heal from your injuries," I replied and he sighed, "I brought them to see you last night and Josh left those flowers for you." I nodded to the newly picked flowers that were in a glass vase that Lucas had given Josh.

"I'll be sure to thank him for them." He said, "I know that you fainted during the attack."

"The doctor said that because we were mates I'd feel when you got hurt and vice versa, even if we hadn't completed the bond." I said and he nodded, "Has that ever happened before?"

"Not that I can remember," he replied and I sighed, "but hey, we don't need to worry about that for now, alright?"

The door to the room opened at that moment and Dr. Mel walked and smiled at us.

"It's good to see you awake Princeton," she said and he nodded.

"What happened? Why did I pass out?" He asked.

"Looks like the rouge you were fighting had wolfsbane on its claws and that's the reason why you passed out" she did and he nodded.

"How long was I out for?"

"Three days. You had several broken ribs as well as your femur. I also gave you medicine to combat the wolfsbane," she stated making him frown.

"Wolfsbane?" He questioned and she nodded, "How the fuck did that happen?"

"We don't know, but your parents as well as the former alphas are looking into it alongside Alpha Alaska. They will debrief you in it once you heal completely."

"Did anyone else get hurt like me?" he asked, and I could tell he was pissed and confused as to how that drug could have gotten into his system.

Wolfsbane was the first thing I learned about when Bella and I became friends. It's one of the most toxic plants that can be found in the UK, the toxins in Wolfsbane can cause a slowing of the heart rate which could be fatal, and even eating a very small amount can lead to an upset stomach. Its poison can also act through contact with the skin, particularly through open wounds.

It was confusing as to how that got to Canada as it doesn't grow here. As the doctor said, people are already looking into it.

"Not severely as you but there were a couple of guys that were slashed with it but they didn't get the same impact as you," she replied and Princeton nodded with a sigh. "Jessie, here, has been at your side since he was discharged yesterday. Your parents have tried to get him to eat something but he refuses" She gave me a look making me duck my head, "saying that until he knows you're okay that he won't leave your side."

"Can you have one of the nurses or someone bring something to eat?" He questioned and she nodded before leaving the room. He sighed and looked at me, "why haven't you eaten anything?"

"I did eat," I replied and he raised a brow, "she likes exaggerating things. I ate in the morning but didn't eat lunch or dinner."

"What am I going to do with you?" He asked and I grinned and teasingly said.

"Love me?"

"I already do." He replied taking me by surprise and he smiled, "I love you Jessie, and I know you're not ready for that just yet so I don't exp-"

"I love you too."

an so here's a new update for you ladies and gentlemen I hope you like the chapter. I'm sorry for not updating but Ive been busy with work and working on my other books but I promise that I'll do my best to update this rewrite as much as I can until it's done.

also I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your family and that you all enjoyed it.

ps. Don't forget to leave a vote/fan and comment Love residing your thoughts 💕



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