24. Princeton

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"Dada?" I looked don't at the sound of Josh's voice and smiled

"Yeah, bud?" I asked crouching to his level after making sure Julianna was comfortable and warm in her stroller.

"Mama? Jenna?" He asked tilting his head to the side making me bit my lip before giving him a small reassuring smile.

"Jenna's being looked at by the doctor right now and Mama is with her," I said and he frowned.

"Booboo?" He questioned making me smile and nod

"Yeah, she has a booboo so the doctors are gonna make sure she's okay," I said and he nodded before wrapping his arms around my neck and laying his  head on my shoulder, "Get some sleep bud."

"Wake," he grumbled but his voice sounded groggy, and knew he would be asleep soon so instead I rubbed his back as I stood back up before taking a sit on the chair in the waiting room. Jericho had somehow gotten himself comfortable on the sofa across from me and was fast asleep. He had one of the blankets we had brought with us thrown over himself.

I got myself as comfortable as I could with Josh and rested my head on the back of the chair and closed my eyes.

"Princeton? Princeton?" A voice called my name as I was shaken awake making me groan in my sleep, "Princeton, wake up."

"Five more minutes," I mumbled turning on the end only to fall to the floor. My eyes flew open as I lay on the cold ground.

"Oh my god," Jessie's voice echoed in the hall followed by a laugh. I blinked my tired eyes before turning around on the floor so my back was against be cold tiles as I stared up into Jessie's amused eyes, "Are you okay?"

I huffed, "my back is not happy with me."

He chuckled shaking his head just as Gunnolf's voice echoed in my ear.

>My human is an idiot< He laughed and I rolled my eyes before sitting up and getting off the ground, "How's Jenna?"

"She's sleeping," he replied and I nodded rubbing my face.

"And the kids? Jericho?"

"In the room," he replied and I nodded yawning, "The Doctor said that we could take Jenna home at the end of the day."

"Really?" I asked confused since I figured they'd want to keep her admitted for a few days or something to make sure she doesn't have another episode like last night.

"Yeah, he said that her seizure wasn't cause for alarm or something and since the paramedics had already some medicine to stop the seizures it wasn't too concerning."

And that pissed me off. How the fuck was that not concerning? She had two seizures back to back less than three hours apart, the second was the reason why she was brought in.

"What kind of Doctor releases their patient the following day after suffering a seizure?" I asked and he sighed, "We'll have her get checked by the pack doctor as soon as we get back home."

He nodded. The pack doctor specialized in human and werewolf illnesses considering that there were humans in the pack aside from Jessie and the kids.

"Come on, I'm sure Jenna will be waking up soon and will want to see you," He said and I nodded as I laced our fingers together and walked towards Jenna's hospital room.


Jessie had gone to prepare something to eat while I had taken Jenna to her room to rest. The others—Jericho, Josh, and Julianna—were all in the living room watching Naruto while I decided to go to the office to go over some work Alaska had emailed me. I was halfway done when the phone began raining and I sighed reaching over to pick it up.


"Oh thank god," Mama's voice filtered through the speaker making me raise a brow.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's wrong? What's wrong is you not calling us since you went on your trip," he replied in exasperation making me wince now realizing that I have indeed not called them once since we got to Montreal. Whoops.

"Sorry Mama," I murmured and he sighed on the other end of the line, "It's just that we've been busy taking the kids out around the city."

"Yet I know there's something else that's also kept you busy," he stated making me blink, huh?

"What do you mean?"

"We called last night to see how you were doing but the call went to voicemail which means you were not home."

"What time did you even call?" I asked.

"Ten," I winced as that was when Jenna was rushed to the hospital last night, "Typically you're up at the time so I thought that you were awake and wanted to see how things were going but was surprised when you didn't pick up. You always pick up when we call."

"Yeah, sorry, it's been an eventful 24 hours," I said before telling him what had happened and he gasped but didn't say anything until I was done.

"Those doctors are incompetent, why the hell would they discharge her so soon? Ugh just thinking about them is making my blood boil," I bit my lip hearing him growl and curse the doctors to hell, "Are you going to be coming home then?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to leave so soon especially with Jenna still recovering so we'll be back home at the end of the week it'll give her plenty of time to recover and hopefully she won't have another episode."

"Keep us updated alright?"

"I will," and so after a few more exchanges of words we hung up and I decided that I was done with the paperwork and exited the office.


"I'm so glad to see you all home," Mama said as soon as I had parked the car. He was pulling me into a tight hug as soon as I had climbed out of the car before releasing me and doing the same to Jessie who gasped at the sudden action. "How's Jenna?"

"She's doing better though she's currently sleeping at the moment," Jessie replied once Mama had let him go and he nodded, "Um, can you help us carry the suitcases in?"

"Course," Mama said as he went to the trunk and opened it before grabbing a few of the suitcases while Jessie and I got Josh and Julianna from their car seats, Papa joined us a second later taking Josh for me so I could take Jenna out. Jericho climbed out a second later and grabbed the rest of the suitcases with Apollo and Zeb helping.

"Mama?" Jenna groggily asked as she opened her eyes

"I'm right here," Jessie said from beside us, she blinked and looked up at me, and I smiled.

"Hey sleeping beauty," I murmured and she blinked her eyes before smiling. I set her on her feet and let her walk inside as I took one of the suitcases from Jericho.

"Did you have a good nap?" Mama asked her and Jenna nodded, "That's good. I've made you all your favorite food so wash up and come eat."

We nodded and did as told before rejoining my parents and siblings at the dining room table.

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