38. Princeton

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*time skip*

Jessie has gotten a lot stronger over the last six months and I was amazed. He's gotten the hang of his powers—all four of them. I had been shocked and amazed when I saw him be able to control the fire while simultaneously dividing himself in two when Argus had threatened Julianna. I was fucking livid when I saw him holding her with a claw at her throat. I knew it was his way of belonging to Jessie/ Nikini with his powers but involving Julianna was not part of his training.

"Never threaten my children, Argus, for I will have your head on a stake." Jessie said his voice a growl meaning that  Nikini was at the surface, "If taking my daughter was your way of getting a reaction from me, you've won." Argus nodded showing his neck in the submission from the ground where he had fallen after hitting the tree behind him."Do not try to force me to bring my power to the forefront again by threatening my pack and my family."

"'My apologies, Nikini," Argus stood to his feet with his bow.

The pair took a break after that with Jessie carrying Julianna inside to check on her. I stayed outside knowing he needed his space. I walked towards Argus and punched him knocking him down and he glared up at me.

"Touch and of my children again, and I will do more than half your head on stake as Nikini warned."

That day is history as I watched my mate control the elements and duplication. He's fucking amazing and I'm not just saying this because he's my mate but because it's true. He's learned so much in the short amount of time since his transformation. He's learned to fight both in human and wolf form or even in both forms at the same time. Since Jessie can duplicate himself into multiple clones, he's able to shift into his wolf form while also being in his human form at the same time. It was amazing to see that. I even got to train with him and Nikini at the same time. He's knocked me on my ass more times than I can count.

"I'm done," I said as I stayed on the ground heaving. This was the fifth time since training with them, that Jessie and Nikini both knocked me on my ass. He stood over me, shielding me from the sun. I was ducking sweating buckets.

"Awe, come on," He pouted with his hands on his hips, "one more time."

"Fuck no," I groaned throwing an over my eyes and he huffed before straddling my lap I peeked at him and he gave me a seductive look as he rolled his hips making me instantly hard. Gunnolf was pacing in my head as we watched our mates coated in sweat rocking his hips on mine.

"If you train one more time, I'll reward you," he whispered as he leaned down, his breath fanning my lips and I swallowed but shook my head.

"As temp—"I didn't get to finish as he froze and turned to the trees where we heard the sound of paws hitting the wet ground.

Three rogues crossed into our territory and froze when he saw the pack. They stepped back and made to run in the direction of the trees again when I gave a wanting growl stopping them.

"Who are you and why are you in our territory?" I asked as the triplets joined me with Jessie. The rest of the pack who had been training stood behind watching and ready to attack if it came down to it.

"My Beta asked you a question," Alaska growled and the rogue that had crossed onto the yard whimpered and lowered itself to the ground. A rogue wouldn't act this way. They always looked for a fight unless they were running from their pack and were forced into this life. The other two rogues stood back watching. Papa and Mama stood at the border of the trees with my grandparents and great-grandparents. They were caged in and that wasn't good. A caged animal will be aggressive and will find a way to get free. Yet these three rogues just stood there not making a move to fight.

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