33. Jessie

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Princeton and I sat in the waiting area for god knows how many hours as we waited for any news on Jericho's condition. All I knew was what the nurse had told me when she called. I had just put Preston down for a nap when my phone began ringing in my pocket and not wanting to wake the infant up, I quickly walked out of the nursery with the baby monitor before answering the call.


"Hi, yes, is this Jessie?" The familiar voice of Nurse Lucy asked on the other end making me furrow my brows. She's never called me for anything unless it was to tell me that Jericho was sick. Which just made me worry.

"Yes, it's me, is something the matter, Nurse Lucy?" I asked and I could hear her pacing. Her voice was strained making me worry even more.

"It's Jericho," she replied making me swallow the lump in my throat at the mention of my brother/son. I've only been called once since I stopped well to school after getting pregnant and it was because he had sprained his ankle during gym.

"What happened? Is he okay?" I asked as worth cursed through. I knew he wasn't up to doing gym class but the doctors said that it was healthy for him to do some physical activities such as running and playing sports. His heart was far too fragile for that.

"He was rushed to the hospital," she said making my breath catch in my throat,

"Wh-what? Why? What happened?" I rushed already picturing the worst, which was confirmed a second later.

"He fainted in class," she replied and I closed my eyes as fear engulfed my body, "he was in art class when he started having chest pains and when the teacher asked him what was wrong he collapsed."


"Where was he taken to?" I asked before hanging up the call without thanking her and called Luca to ask if he could watch the kids for me

"They're in good hands, now go," he said as he ushered me out of the house a few moments later after I told him the news.

And that leads to us now. Princeton had arrived a few moments after me since I had called him on my way here. I sighed for what felt like the millionth time since arriving and Princeton pulled me into his side before pressing a kiss to my temple.

>He's going to be okay, love< He said through the mating link before saying, "Why don't you try getting some sleep? I know you haven't rested at all."

"Not tired," I murmured and he raised a brow making me sigh, "I don't want to sleep in case the doctor comes out and gives us any news about Jericho,"

"I'll wake you if he comes out," he said and I shook my head but I was exhausted. I usually napped when Preston napped but not today. Instead, I was here waiting anxiously awaiting any news about Jericho's condition. "Rest,"


Two weeks. That's how long it's been since Jericho fell into a coma. Two weeks of constantly wondering if he'll wake up. Two weeks of watching the heart monitor beep and the ventilator pump air into his lungs. Two weeks of watching his chest rise and fall with each pump of air. Two weeks of watching his eyes closed with no signs of opening. Two weeks of knowing that the person who donated his heart was a fallen soldier who died during combat. Two weeks of knowing the family he left behind. In those two weeks, Princeton and I have become great friends with Staff Sargent Eric Ramos' fiancée, a beautiful young girl with platinum blonde hair and hazel green eyes who told us all about the man that donated his heart to save Jericho. Ellie—his fiancée—told us all about him and how Eric was before and during his time in the army.

Elizabeth, Eric's fiancée was five months pregnant with their second child when news struck about his death. I had never seen such pain and loneliness in a person's eyes as I did the day we met her and their son, little Elijah. He's only 2 years old. A little boy his age shouldn't have to face the pain and lose of a parent. I know because I lost my father when I was around his age, maybe a bit older but still the pain was there and it sucked. Ellie, a nickname I had given her, said that Eric was an organ donor and knowing that his heart was going to save the life of my son made her extremely happy.

I sighed as I watched Jericho peacefully sleep. The world around him was moving at a steady pace. But even then everything was moving slowly Bruce's Jericho still hadn't woken up.

"Please wake up Jer. Please" I whispered holding his hand and giving it a tight squeeze as tears burned the back of my eyes as I watched the steady rise and fall of his chest as air is pumped into his lungs, as the sound of the monitor beeping filled the room. The door opened and I looked over to see the doctor walk in followed by a group of nurses that wheeled in a cot and I bit the inside of my cheek as Princeton entered a second later and over to me.

"It's time?" I asked and she nodded

"How long will the operation last?" Princeton questioned as he pulled me closer to him.

"Can't say,I'm sorry."Dr. Sanders said and we nodded and watched as the nurses unplugged the ventilator and heart monitor the wall before connecting it to a portable ventilator and monitor then wheeled him out of the room.

"I'll come to you as soon as the operation is over," She stated before following after the nurses leaving Princeton and I alone in the room.

"He'll be okay, why don't we go to the waiting room?" Princeton said and I nodded swallowing the lump in my throat, "and we should call the house to let them know."


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