45. Jessie

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*time skip three months*

Three months. That's how long it's been since Princeton along with the triplets, Zabdiel and a group of warriors rescued the omegas' children and brought them here to the pack house. Everything has been peaceful since I killed the rogue alpha. I still get nightmares from that day even if it's been three months since that eventful day happened. I should be scared of the power I held but it was apposite. It was a relief knowing that I could protect my pack and family if the need ever came. I was still learning how to wield each power from Lucius and Argos. They were patient and understanding when I struggled with certain power and were willing to help me master them daily whenever I joined the pack in training with Princeton.

I shook my head and sighed as I walked down the hall and into Preston and Julianna's shared nursery to see that they were both still fast asleep. I walked out and headed down the hall to check in with the other kids before making my way down the hall to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Since it was Saturday, I let the kids sleep in a little longer.

Princeton had gone out to train early this morning so he should be home soon. Once in the kitchen, I began to prepare pancakes, waffles, sausage, and bacon before cutting up fruit and toasting some bread. It was currently 9 so the kids will be waking up soon I went about setting the table and placing their food in their respective places before heading into the living room to clean up the area since it was late last night to clean the mess the little ones made. The front door opened a moment later and the familiar scent of Princeton's scent wafted into the room making me smile. The soft padding of his feet making his way into the living filled the room making me look up over my shoulder.

"Morning angel," he greeted waking over and pulling me into his arms before pressing a kiss to my temple and I smiled.

"Good morning love," I replied with a smile turning in his arms and wrapping my arms around his neck before leaning up on my toes to press a kiss to his lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, "how was training?"

"Good," he replied moving to help me with picking the kids' toys, "how was your morning? Are the kids up yet?"

"It was good, managed to get breakfast done, and no but they should be waking up soon." And not long after I said that did I hear a door down the hall being opened and closed before the soft padding of feet made their way down the hall. Jericho was the first to arrive and smiled.

"Morning mama and papa," he greeted and we smiled.

"Morning pup," Princeton greeted making the newly turned 16-year-old roll his eyes.

"Are the others awake yet?" I asked and he shook his head, but before he could reply a wail down the hall cut him off and Princeton was off down the hall to gather the little ones. When Princeton returned with two fully awake and dressed little ones with Jenna trailing behind him. She beamed upon seeing me before running over and wrapping her arms around my legs, "is Josh still asleep?"

"Yeah, but he should be wak—" Princeton said but was cut off when said little boy came into the room a second later rubbing at his eyes. He blinked and looked up with a sleepy smile before he walked over to me and held his arms up for me to pick him up and I smiled doing just that as I pressed a kiss to his temple.

"Good morning little pup," I murmured and he smiled resting his head on my shoulder, "come, let's go eat."

I sat Josh in his chair beside me and he smiled as he noticed his food was cut up into little pieces as he grabbed his fork and stabbed a piece of the waffle and shoved it into his mouth. I smiled as I began eating as well. Chatter soon filled around the table while the older kids talking about school and Josh talked about playing the the pack pups and how much he liked them.

"That's wonderful, baby," I smiled and he beamed, "I'm sure you'll be seeing them again later today as we go down to help grandpa Luca prepare Sara's up coking birthday.

"He's been preparing her birthday for the past three months," Princeton chuckled as he shook his head, "he's always making a big fuss over our birthdays."

"You're the exact same way," I pointed out remembering how he had gone all out for both Josh and Jericho's birthdays. He grinned making me shake my head.

"You got me there."


"Grandpa!" Jenna and Josh exclaimed when we walked into Luca and Caleb's house two hours later once we had each one dressed. He looked up from what he was looking at with a smile.

"Hi babies," he smiled as he turned away from the magazine and stood up from the table and held his arms open for the kids who didn't needed to be told twice as they ran and allowed him to wrapped them into a tight yet warm hug. Julianna wiggled in Princeton's arms wanting to be let down and so my mate put her down and she waddled on her little legs as she made her way over to Luca who smiled once he pulled away from the little ones to pick the toddler up and pepper her little face with kisses that earned him a fit of giggles from her.

Princeton and I were soon engulfed in a hug as well before Preston was taken from my arms and given kisses from his grandfather and the baby loved the attention as he cooed and gurgled in delight.

"Hi mama," Princeton chuckled as he gave him a kiss on the cheek, "where's Papa?"

"On patrol," he replied and we nodded sitting across from him.

"I saw the kids downstairs," I said and he nodded.

"Dimitri and Benny offered to watch them while in up here doing the final touches for Sara's birthday."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" I asked but he shook his head making Princeton raise a brow and he rolled his eyes.

"I already finished the final touches. I was just going over it to see if I missed anything," Luca replied and we nodded, "so why don't we head downstairs so the little ones play with the pups?"

Josh and Jenna perked up at the offer before beaming up at us with wide eyes making all three of us chuckle at their excitement before we were leading them out of  the door and down the stairs before the two rushed away in search of the pups.

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