51. Jessie

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"We still need to pick a name for her," Princeton said as he looked down at the newborn pup in his hands. I had shifted to my human form three hours ago but Vincent said that since I gave birth in wolf form that our baby will remain in wolf form until she's one. She was a beautiful pup. She was small like an average wolf pup. She had light almost white fur with patches of brow on top of her head and belly. The only times I'm ever in my wolf form is when she needs to feed but other than that I'm always in a human form much like now.

"Did you have any in mind?" I asked as I watched them and I could feel my heart grow just watching them together. "Will your parents be bringing the kids over to meet their sister?"

"Yes," he replied, "though they're going to have a lot of questions," he added with a chuckle as he kept his gaze on his daughter.

I winced.

Especially Preston who has decided to ask questions about everything from how trees grow to why birds fly. Needless to say, Preston was a very curious 5-year-old.

"Get ready to answer our curious child's questions," I chuckled and he looked up with a grin, eyes bright and I smiled, falling completely in love all over again with him. "Now, names for our sleeping girl?"

And so for the next three hours, Princeton and I went back and forth on names before finally deciding on the right one, and it was a good thing because the next thing I knew, Caleb and Luca were walking into my recovery room—after knocking—with our five older children with Preston's attention instantly going to the pup in his father's arms. His eyes went comically wide as he wiggled in Caleb's arms before he was blinding towards the bed.

"Puppy!" He exclaimed as he stared down at his sister before tilting his head with a frown, "mama?" He then looked at me and my flat belly and back at Princeton and the pup. I could see his little gears working in his head before he huffed crossing his arms and pouting.

"It's alright, little love," I chuckled patting a space on the bed for him and he climbed up and cuddled beside me, "we're you good for poppy and bubba?"

"Yesh," he nodded and I smiled pressing a kiss to his temple.

"I still can't get over the fact you gave birth in wolf form," Jericho said with awe in his voice as he looked down at the pup.

"Neither can I," I said and he snickered, "it's going to be one hell of a story to tell her that's for sure."

The room erupted in laughter at that.

"So what have deciding to name her?" Benny masked as he tans his forefinger along the newborn pup's little head making her whine and search for him.

"Bonnie Demetria," I replied which made Dimitri blink as he caught onto her middle name being his name and I could see him blink his eyes to stop the tears making me smile.

"She's got your middle name," Benny said with a smile as he looked at his husband.

"I think she's got the perfect name," Luca said as he looked at his father with a smile and Dimitri nodded as a few tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked down at his great-granddaughter with so much love in his eyes.

"She's got him wrapped around her finger already," Caleb chuckled making his father-Dimitri-in-law roll his eyes.

"And where did Bonnie come from?" Benny asked.

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