50. Princeton

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*5 years later*

"PAPA!" I grinned hearing Preston's scream as he came running out of the house. I chuckled as he collided with my legs and looked up with a big grin, his two front teeth missing.

"Hi, pup," I greeted him ruffling his hair and he whined swatting my hand away I smiled before picking him up and he beamed wrapping his arms around my neck, "have you been good for your mama?"

"Mhm," he hummed nodding his head and I nodded as I carried him into the house where I was assaulted with the most amazing scent in the world. I grinned as I followed the scent of lavender and cotton candy and found Jessie in the kitchen cooking one of my favorite dishes. Shrimp and chicken Alfredo pasta. "Mama!" Preston exclaimed making my husband look up from the stove and smile as he saw us, "I found papa,"

"Did you?" Jessie questioned and our youngest boy nodded with a beaming smile before he wiggled in my arms to be set down on the floor and once down he ran out of the kitchen and down the hall to most likely bother one of his older brothers or sisters.

"Don't you look beautiful," I smiled leaning down to kiss him on the lips once he was within arms reach and he smiled pecking my lips.

"How was your run?" He asked as he turned back to the stove while in my arms and I hummed resting my chin on his shoulder while rubbing his baby bump over one of my oversized shirts.

"Good, got to spar with Apollo's pup and Alaska's mate," I replied and he hummed.

A lot has happened in the past five years since Jessie and I got married. His father—who he thought was dead—was alive and showed up at our wedding as a hunter. Apollo and his mate, Jax, completed their mating and Apollo adopted Jax's son, Nix as his own. Julia and Jamie had also found their mates among the pack with them completing their mating and as Apollo had done, their respective mates have also adopted their children.

The pack has grown exponentially over the years with it now being the biggest in all of North America and Canada. And it was all because Alaska and Tyson joined both the Savage and King packs. Of course, they would each be alphas of each pack regardless. Even though the pack was now called SavageKing Pack, each pack had its land with a tunnel that connected them and led to a joint safe room.

"How is little Nix handling training?"Jessie asked.

"Kid's a pro," I replied burying my nose in his neck making Jessie chuckle and push me away I grinned, "I swear that kid can throw a mean punch and kick."

"I bet," he chuckled as he looked over at me and I smiled, "sucks I can't train with you guys," he huffed looking down at his bump.

I raised a brow and said, "no training for you for at least five months," he rolled his eyes with a huff. "I know you hate not being able to train but you heard what Vin said. If you strain your body any more than you already had that it could be bad for the baby."

"I know," he said with a pout, "but I want to be out there training with everyone else."

"Can't risk you losing this baby too, angel," I said cupping his face and he bit his lip, "and I can't lose you either. Once the baby is here and you're given a clean bill then we can start training together again, okay?" He nodded and I pulled him into my arms as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

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