43. Jessie

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I paced the foyer as I anxiously awaited the arrival of my mate. I couldn't go back to sleep when he was called upon by Alaska. I could feel every cut and every blow being delivered to him and it killed me. I whimpered and gasped as I fell to my knees holding onto the place where Princeton was hurt. Tears welled up in my eyes as I clenched my jaw from screaming as pain ripped through my body the more Princeton was away and getting injured.

"Mama?" A timid voice called and I closed my eyes as I wiped my tears way before looking towards the stairs where Josh was standing with wide and worried eyes. I swallowed the knot in my throat and stood up before giving him a smile, "you okay?"

"Yes sweetheart," I replied as I walked over to him before picking him up and pressing a kiss to his temple as he wrapped his arms around my neck, "come on, let's get breakfast started."

I sat him down on the kitchen counter as I began moving around the kitchen grabbing the essentials I would need to make us breakfast. I looked at the baby monitor on the counter and saw that Preston was beginning to move in his crib. I clenched my jaw as another wave of pain cursed through me as I gave Josh my back so he didn't see the pain I was in.

>You must be strong, Jessie< Nikias murmured in my head >we have to have faith that our mate will be okay and he will be home with us soon<

>it hurts< I whimpered to him and he nodded giving me a sympathetic smile

>I know it does but we need to be strong not just for our mate, but for our pups as well< he replied and I nodded before taking a deep breath and focusing on my current situation. Getting breakfast ready and reassuring a very worried Josh that I was okay when he asked again if I was okay.

"Mama?" I looked towards the newest voice and saw Jenna making her way towards the kitchen rubbing her tired eyes, her hair a mess and I smiled.

"Morning sleepy head," I smiled as she walked over and wrapped her arms around my waist mumbling into my back before going to the living room and laying on the couch and soon I heard her soft snores fill the silent home making me shake my head. Why she got out of bed only to flak back to asleep on the couch ins beyond me. She didn't have be up for another two hours for school. I turned to Josh and smiled, he was always up at this time despite it being super early.

"Do you want to got sleep a little more?" I asked him and he shook his head and in nodded before I turned back to the stove where I had eggs frying along with the bacon and sausage. The toaster binged indicating that the bread was ready and I got them out and laying them and putting them aside while Josh's eggo's from the fridge before placing them on the toaster.

By the time I had breakfast ready, Jericho and Jenna were wide awake and dressed for school while Josh, Julianna and Preston were dressed for the day. Hopefully by the time the two older kids returned from school, Princeton would be home.

"Alright, let's get going," I said once they were finished eating and the dishes were in the dishwasher.


Preston and Julianna were down for their nap while Josh and I watched cartoons until lunch.

"Read mama?" He asked holding his current favorite book and l smiled opened the book and began reading it to him. He leaned against me as he stared at the pictures while I read.

>he's back< Nikias said just as I felt the mate bond mend itself while I felt relief as my heart became whole again. I looked down when Josh tugged on my shirt and pointing at the page we were readying  and I chucked before picking up where I left off.

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