49. Jessie

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"You lied to me," I said standing in front of my mother's cell and she looked up with a bored look on her face.

"Lied? What did I lie to you about this time, Jessie?" She asked tilting her head and I clenched my jaw as I stood closer to her. She couldn't do anything to me since she was chained to the wall. Her once petite future was now skin and bones from the lack of food she rejected. Her hair—which was always fine to perfection form when I was younger much like her make-up—was a rat's nest. Her eyes were dull with dark circles under them. Her full lips with chapped and cracked from lack of water in her system.

"My father's alive," I said and she stared at me before a smirk covered her lips, and then she threw her head back and began to laugh like a maniac. I just stared at her with balled-up fists and clenched jaw waiting for her to tell me some bullshit lie she was good at.

"Of course he is," she chucked shaking her head before she scooted as best she could with the little strength she had in her weak bones, "I took the opportunity of him going hunting with his buddies to take you away from our home. I made you believe he was dead because that bastard was a good-for-nothing loser."

It didn't surprise me that she would say something like that considering her personality but still, it hurt to know that she took me away from my father and made me believe he was dead when in reality he's been alive and has been looking for me, for us, since I was four years old.

"You beat me, blamed me for his supposed death when you knew he was alive," I said and she smirked, "and for what? To make yourself feel better for taking me away from my father? You made that choice, not him, and for sure as hell, not mine either. If you didn't want me you could've just left me with him and started a new life on your own instead of forcing me to suffer at your hands for 15 fucking years!" I yelled, I was fucking pissed and hurt that she dared to blame me for her decision of running away.

"I wanted him to suffer," she said and I could feel Nikkias at the forefront of my mind as my eyes began to shift from my normal brown eyes to bright blue which was his eye color. She stared at me with wide eyes as she backed up but there was nowhere she could hide as I stood outside the cell with my hands gripping the metal bars so she's that they began to dent under my hands. "I warned him that if he walked out of the house that day to go hunting with his buddies that we'd be gone but he still left. So I packed our shit and left him."

"You took me from my father," I snarled at her and I could practically hear her heart racing from where I stood and I smiled in satisfaction knowing she was afraid of me. The one person she used to beat to a bloody pulp for protecting his younger siblings from her abuse. "I deserved to know he was alive and you took that away from me, but you want to know something? I have him now and we're going to reconnect and create brand new memories because the ones we lost we will never get back because of your selfishness. I hope you rot in fucking hell for everything you've done to me, to my kids, and my father."

I stepped back from the cell as she stared at me with wide eyes and I felt Nikkias take control of my body for a split second.

"You are truly a despicable person and deserve everything that karma is dishing at you." With that, I turned and walked away from her and her screams.

"Make sure she doesn't get anything to eat." I heard Nikkias say to the guards who nodded, >Let's go see our father, Jessie, we have a lot to talk about<


"How did you become a hunter?" I asked and he furrowed his brows, "I mean werewolf hunter."

My father sat across from me at the picnic table after having gone to see Princeton at the infirmary to see if he was okay. The man across from me sighed and ran his scar-covered fingers through his short hair before dropping them on the table and looking at me.

"I was told that there were creatures that killed innocent people and that they were dangerous," he said and I nodded, "I was told to join a group of hunters that knew where to find these beasts. I didn't believe them until I saw a man turn into a giant wolf and fight another as it protected a small child. It wasn't until today that I witness what I've been told."

"You saw my pack shift to protect each other and the children," I said and he nodded, "did you kill any of them?"

"No," he shook his head, "I couldn't bring myself to harm any of them, not when I saw a couple with small children that reminded me of you." I swallowed the lump in my throat at his words. "I never expected to see you here, and marry one of them."

"Are you angry with me for that?" I asked and he stared at me with soft eyes and shook his head again.

"I could never be angry with you, Jessie, if he is who is supposed to be your soulmate who am I to get in between you both? I can see you love each other with the way he held you hours ago. All that I want is for you to be happy and if being with a werewolf is what makes you happy then so be it." He replied and I felt my eyes burn with unshed tears at his words. Would he still feel the same if he knew I was a wolf as well?

"And what if I told you that I was a wolf as well?" I asked swallowing the lump in my throat and he blinked, "would you still feel the same way?"

"Yes," he replied, and my lip quivered at his reply, "how can I not? You're my son, Jessie and that won't change even if you had three heads, you will always be my son."

>he's accepting us, as we are, Jessie< Nikkias whispered in my head as he rested his head on his front paws while his tail wagged and I smiled giving him a mental nod.

"You're my son and I love you just the way you are."

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