29. Jessie

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"You can breathe easily," Doctor Mel said as she walked into the infirmary room making me look at her and she smiled, "your test results came back normal. I know it was wrong of me to take blood samples from you without your consent but I needed to make sure that nothing goes wrong with you or the baby considering that you're a human carrying a werewolf pup,"

"But my headaches?" I asked and she nodded.

"They are normally much like what Luca said. Yes, there was a possibility that your headaches were abnormal but that's not the case. I ran them a few times to be sure and each time they came back normal."

"But?" Princeton said making us look at him, "There's always a but in cases like these right?"

Doctor Mel sighed but nodded, "Yes. Just because the results came back normal doesn't mean that they won't change over time. Which means that I would like to see you a few times a week up until the baby is born,"

"So for now there's nothing wrong?" I asked making sure that what she said earlier was correct and she chuckled nodding. "Oh thank the moon goddess."

"Yes, thank the moon goddess," Princeton repeated with a sigh of relief as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my temple, "But if there's nothing wrong with him, then why was Gunnolf acting strange?"

"What do you mean?" Mel asked with a frown and so Princeton explained that his wolf had been pacing, whining, and whimpering in his head and acting strange the past couple of days before I fainted. The entire time he explained his wolf's strange attitude, Doctor Mel nodded.

"That's very interesting, is he still acting differently?" She asked once Princeton finished and he nodded, "how is he acting at the moment?" Princeton at that moment decided to zone out and a second later, his eyes had turned dark blue—the color of Gunnolf's eyes, "Beta Gunnolf."

"Doctor Mel," he replied curtly as he turned to me, "Hello, love," I smiled and reached for his hand and he reached down and gently held mine.

"Hi, Gunnolf," I replied giving his hand a gentle squeeze, "Princeton was telling us that you've been acting odd,"

He nodded, "yes." He answered as he turned to Doctor Mel, "Jessie's scent is different from his normal one. It's mixed with the scent of death." I felt my breath hitch in my throat at his words while Doctor Mel furrowed her brows.

"It's impossible considering that Jessie's results came back normal," She replied and Gunnolf snarled making her bite her lip and step back but I held his hand, "I will run his tests again but I promise you that they are normal."

"I know my mate, Doctor Mel. I know his scent and I know the scent of death." Gunnolf replied

"As do I," She replied, "Jessie is not sick nor is he dying as you are saying."

"Is he your mate?" He asked and I gave his hand a squeeze, "I feel his pain, it may not be as tough as he does but I know he's hurting. His headaches are not normal even if my mother has told him such."

Doctor Mel nodded before saying she would be back shortly with the test results.

"Gunnolf?" I questioned making his tense body relax, even if it was just a bit, "Are you alright?"

"No," he replied as he turned to me before sitting on the edge of the bed and holding my hands, "I haven't been okay since your scent changed."

"You mentioned that," I said and he nodded but before he could reply, his eyes turned to their natural light blue that of Princeton's eyes, "Why didn't you let Gunnolf talk?"

"I am Gunnolf," he replied, "As well as Princeton." I frowned and he smiled, "Just because my eyes are not my own doesn't mean I'm not here. Princeton has more control than I do." I nodded, "As I said. Your scent changed. Your scent was that of honey with lavender but when you got pregnant it changed to that of cotton candy." I raised a brow and he smiled, "it's our pup's scent that overpowered your natural scent."

"But you said it now smelled like death?"

"Yes, both yours and our pup's scents have been overpowered by that of rotten corpses and blood and just death." He explained making me swallow the knot that had formed in my throat at his words. "That's why I forced Doctor Mel to redo your tests because I know that there's something wrong. I won't be calm until I know what's wrong."

I nodded and bit my cheek, "Now you've scared me, Gunnolf," I whispered and he nodded, "I don't want to die if there is something wrong with me."

"I won't let that happen." He said as he cupped my cheeks, "I swear that if there is something wrong, I will find a way to save you."

He pressed his forehead to mine as I felt my heart face in my chest with fear of the unknown.


I couldn't sleep that night. Not with the worry of what Doctor Mel may tell me to come morning. Princeton/ Gunnolf had gone back to the pack house to get the kids into bed and to assure them that I was okay. But how can I be okay with what he told me? How could I sleep with the worry that's plaguing my mind with constant thoughts running through my mind of what news Doctor Mel may have for us? I closed my eyes and tried but failed to sleep.

"Can't sleep?" Princeton asked and I shook my head and he sighed, "I shouldn't have let Gunnolf take control the way he did. He only made you worry more than you should. Especially with you being pregnant with our son."

"Even if the chances of there not being anything wrong, she did tell us that there may be a chance that I may have cancer so I want to be completely sure that it's nothing but normal pregnancy headaches." I said and he nodded, "and she gave us some good news too, right? I mean she said that there was only one mated couple many years ago that had gone through something like us. And that the alpha had given his wife the alpha bite. I'm sure there's something similar with you being beta."

"You're right." He said and I gave him a small smile.

"If there is a chance that I have cancer, then I permit you to change me if that means the right get to watch my children grow and have a family of their own. I don't want to leave them behind after everything that we've been through together as siblings."

He just leaned in pressed a kiss on my forehead and nodded. He pulled back just as there was a knock on the door. He walked over and pulled it open to reveal Doctor Mel. She had a somber expression on her face.

"Doctor Mel?" Princeton asked and she swallowed before walking further into the room with him closing the door.

"I-I don't know how I missed it," she said and began pacing while Princeton and I watched, "How could I have missed that? I'm a doctor and here I missed that? How the fuck could I have missed that?"

"Melissa!" Princeton yelled making her jump and turn to him with wide eyes. He never used her full name it seems with her surprised expression. "Can you tell us what's wrong?"

"Having run the test multiple times to be sure that the results were true, I must say that the prognosis is not good," Doctor Mel said as she stood in the center of the room and Princeton gripped by hand since he was now at my side and I felt my breath catch in my throat. "I-I'm so sorry. I-I don't know how I missed it. Had it not been for Gunnolf demanding I do more tests we could've caught it late."

"Tell us what's wrong," I said and she bit her lip before that six-letter word left her lips.

"Cancer. Jessie, you have a tumor growing in your brain and it's cancer."


That kept repeating over and over in my head as my world swirled around me and I was plunged into darkness.

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