5. Jessie

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"You seem awfully close to someone you've just met," a voice said making me look up to see Kayden walking over and sitting beside me.

"What do you mean?" I asked and he raised a brow before rolling his eyes.

"You and Princeton I mean, you two don't even know each other yet you act as if you've known each other for years and not for a few hours," he replied and I rolled my eyes this time.

"I've known him for years, Kay, I've known him since Bella and I became friends back in first grade," I said and he gave me a deadpanned look, "we just never spoken before until now that's all. I've seen him a few times over the years,"

"And now all of a sudden your Buddy-Buddy?" He asked with a raised brow.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked but before he could reply screams filled the air followed by growls causing the hard to be filled with chaos.

Women and children were being ushered inside to the safety of the house but I couldn't move my eyes scanned the yard for my siblings but I couldn't see any of them. I turned in circles hoping that I'd catch a glimpse of one or all of them but nothing and my heart raced as panic erupted in my chest.

"You need to get inside now, Jesse" Kayden growled as he stood in front of me but I shook my head.

"I can't find them, I can't find my siblings" I whimpered as fear crept over me with no sight of them and he cursed.

"JESSE!" I turned at the sound of my name and saw Princeton holding Julianna by the front door and I felt relief leave my body before I ran towards them.

"Where are the others?" I asked as I took my little sister from him.

"Already inside, my parents took them in," he replied and I nodded thanking the heavens, "now you two get inside and don't get out until I come to find you, okay?" I nodded and ran inside with Julianna clinging to me her head buried in my neck, as k turned around to say something to Princeton, I watched as he shifted into a beautiful white wolf. My breath caught in my throat as he growled as if telling me to get going and so I did. I closed the door of the house just as the first rogue crossed onto the yard.


"How much longer?" Jericho asked as I stood in front of the massive tv in the safe room. And by massive I meant massive. It was like the inside of a small house with an open area where the kitchen/dining room and living room connected with a hall in the center that lead to a couple of rooms —a playroom, two bedrooms with four to five beds in each for a family to sleep as well as an infirmary for the sick.

"I don't know," I murmured as I watched the fight on the screen. Jericho and I were the only ones in our small family to stay back to watch the fight with the other adults while the small children were in the playroom or napping in one of the rooms down the hall.

"Do you think Caleb and Luca will win? I don't want to lose the only people who care about us,"

I swallowed the knot in my throat as I pulled him closer to me while my eyes stayed glued to the screen. The other adults in the rook were doing all they could to keep their minds occupied considering they had loved ones out there fighting.

"They'll be alright, J," I said as I felt my heart leap to my throat as a rogue launched itself at the familiar black wolf that I knew so well to be Bennett. Bodies upon bodies laid dead or injured all around the yard as the fight continued. Dimitri and Bennett stood back to back fending off rogues while on the other side were Caleb and Luca with Bella and Princeton. All four were equally beautiful in their way.

Caleb was a brown wolf with one black ear while Luca was a beautiful wolf with black, brown, and white fur. Bella's wolf was white-silver her fur glossy and thick. Her paws kissed the earth with lightness and her gaze was serene as she stood beside Princeton. He was unlike Bella. His wolf was as white as the snow. His fur, long over his body and shorter at the neck, was smooth and shiny. His stance is confident and his body muscular. He was the same size as Caleb's wolf. The four of them had their backs to each other protecting each other's weak points from attacks.

Each time a rogue bit or scratched Princeton, I felt a pain in my chest and I don't know why it worried me so much to see him hurt.

Two hours. That's how long it took before that fight between pack and rogues went on before it was over. I looked at the screen to see that Princeton was down and was bleeding profusely from a wound on his stomach making my heart shatter as fear rose in my gut. Please be okay, please be okay I kept repeating in my head as his parents and grandparents rushed to his side and picked him up before rushing him to the infirmary. The door was opened a moment later by bleeding and breath Max.

"Princeton? Is he going to be okay?"

"Yeah. He'll be fine within the next couple of hours," he replied and I nodded, a wave of relief washing over me knowing that he would be okay.


"Jess?" I looked up to the sound of Kayden's voice and saw him standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I asked and he sighed walking in and sitting beside me on the island.

"Do you like him?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked wondering who he may be referring to,

"Princeton," he stated and I blinked being caught off guard by the question.

"We just started talking today, Kay. I don't even know how to feel about him, to be honest." I replied and he nodded.

"I just want you to be careful okay? He may act as if he cares but he'll turn on you in a second. I don't want you to get hurt," he said and I furrowed my brows. Why was he saying all of this? Wasn't he like friends with Princeton? I just nodded my head in reply. I was about to stand up and walk out to go check on my siblings when he pulled me back and his lips landed on mine. I felt my eyes widen at the impact and tried to push him off of me but he kept a tight hold on me making me let out a soft whimper and he mistook it for something else as he began grinding on me. I felt bile rise in my throat as a tightness gripped my stomach.

Why did it feel wrong kissing him? Why did it feel like I was cheating on Princeton even if we weren't together? Why did it feel like I was betraying him?

One second Kayden was kissing me and the next the sound of glass shattering filled the room and I felt my mouth fall open as I watched Kayden laying in the middle of the yard with Princeton hovering over him. His back was falling and rising as he took deep breaths, his fists were balled at his sides as he stared down at my friend. All eyes were on the two as they faced each other, Kayden had gotten to his feet, both in a fighting stance.

"Princeton," I called making all eyes turn toward me as I tentatively walked toward the duo, "Princeton?"

He shook his head and looked over at me, his blue eyes dark making my breath hitch. I swallowed the knot in my throat and walked closer to him before cupping his face in my small hands making him look at me.

"It's okay," I murmured and he furrowed his brows before his head.

"He kissed you, why did you let him kiss you?" He asked, his voice gentle that I knew it wasn't his voice but his wolf's, and I bit my lip.

"Who are you?" I asked and he blinked before sighing and shaking his head.

"Gunnolf," he replied and I nodded.

"It's nice to meet you," I said with a smile, and I could see the rest of the pack leaving, the only people in the yard were Princeton/Gunnolf and myself.

"Why did you let him kiss you, beautiful?" He asked again tilting his head to the side, a look of sadness taking over his features why did it hurt so much that he was sad?

"It took me off guard, it won't happen again," I said and he nodded, and again those familiar jolts of electricity ran up and down my arms as our bodies made contact, the same way as they had in the cafe where we bumped into each other.

"Okay, my mate."

a/n here's a new update guys sorry for the lack of updating but I've been having writers block and also I've been working on other books and I recently started a new job so my schedule has been out of whack but alas I've updated...I'm not sure if I mentioned what color Caleb's wolf was and if I did please let me know so I can fix it on here. Anyway, please let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan



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