15. Jessie

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"So I heard you and Princeton went on a date," Andrea said a few days after the aquarium trip and I rolled my eyes.

"It wasn't just us," I replied and she shrugged.

"Doesn't matter, you still went together," she grinned making me roll my eyes, "but in all seriousness, how are things going? I mean you're mates and crap but you don't look it," she added making me raise a brow, "not that it's a bad thing, Jess, I mean werewolves once they find their mates they complete it within like a week of meeting." I felt my face heat up at her words making her give me a sly grin, "but you're not like a regular werewolf couple so I shouldn't have even said that, sorry."

Yeah, right, she wasn't sorry one bit.

"Have you seen the twins?" I asked and she sighed making me frown.

"I only saw Max, not Kay," She answered my silent question making me nod, "I know what happened between him and Princeton."

"News travels fast" I murmured and she gave me a small smile.

"It's not your fault, Jessie," she said, something everyone has been saying lately since the whole incident at the pack-house with Princeton and Kayden.

"The more people tell me that, the more I think it is," I said and she frowned, "I mean am I that blind to not notice Kayden's feelings?"

"Of course not, Jessie. You have been pretty preoccupied with dealing with your mom and taking care of your siblings," she answered, "Even if you did notice and you got together, your relationship wouldn't have lasted anyway,"

"Who's relationship wouldn't last?" We looked over our shoulders at the sound of Bella's voice.

"Jessie and Kayden's" Andrea replied making the blond blink her eyes before raising a brow.

"Why are you guys even talking about that?" She asked tilting her head and making us give her a deadpanned look and she rolled her eyes, "Andrea's right though. You two wouldn't last considering you each have a mate and sooner or later the pull to be with your mate would be too strong to ignore."

"I just hope Kayden can forgive me for not returning his feelings," I said and they both glared at me making me give them a sheepish smile.

"Stop blaming yourself for his actions, Jessie," Bella said crossing her arms.

"Can we change the subject please?" I asked before adding, "We still have to work on that project for Mr. Richards." Bella and Andrea groaned throwing their heads back and making me laugh, "Come on, the sooner we begin the faster we'll finish."

"Way to ruin my weekend plans," Andrea grumbled and I gave her a deadpanned look.

"With what? You're couch?" I asked and she sniffed crossing her arms, "You'll have your time with your beloved couch at the end of the day."

"Ugh," She exclaimed in defeat before we left the school building. "Well, looks like your ride's here." I blinked and looked up to see Princeton leaning against his motorcycle, glasses on, and girls and guys all gawking at him. I could hear the girls all whispering in awe and one even had the guts to go up to him and put her hands on his arm. He didn't even notice her as he had his eyes on me the entire time as the three of us made our way toward him.

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