52. Princeton

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The sound of growling and snarling could be heard from tunnels and I let my wolf take over as I ran in the direction of the fight.

The last thing I wanted to do was leave my mate and children behind but I needed to get out there and fight along side my pack and defeat these rogues and hunters. We haven't had an attack since Jessie and I became mates a little over a year ago.

I growled as I ran and launched myself at a rogue that was stalking the familiar wolf of my mother and clamped my jaws down on the assholes neck and snarled as I shook my head before letting it drop like a sack of potatoes when I heard tuits neck snap.  Mama looked over his shoulder when he was finished with the rogue he had been fighting.

>Well, thank you for having my back, pup< he said with a hint of amusement in his eyes making me roll mine before we turned towards the fight. We were ambushed by five rogues and three hunted with guns pointed at us.

Fucking perfect.

>Hunters and their weapons< Mama said with a head shake and I chuckled as I dodged a rogue that had tan at me before slicing my claws down it's under belly making it howl in pain.

>I am getting really sick of these assholes< I heard Papa growl in my head and liked up to see him fighting off two rogues but I could tell he was hurt by the way he moved. And it was no surprise considering there was large gash on his side where blood was coating his fur.

>Pay attention to your opponent, Princeton<  he said and I blinked Sabino my head and snarled as a rogue managed to get a hit taking my distraction as an opportunity to strike. 

>I need a vacation after this< Apollo hissed from a distance away as he fought of two rogues. The pack was winning it seems despite the hunters having weapons that could kill us.

"Drop your weapon," a familiar voice said and I looked towards the voice to see Jessie's father holding a gun towards a hunter, "you are outnumbered despite having the upper hand."

"So you're siding with these mutts?" The hunter asked as he held his own gun towards him. "But then again your own son is one isn't he?"

I snarled at the mention of my mate and the way ge referred to him.

>Let him handle the hunter, Princeton and focus on your opponent!< Mama snarled in my head and I clenched my jaw and I turned away clamping my jaws down on the rogue that was launching at me before tossing his corpse away.

A hot searing pain hit me on the side making me growl and I turns my head towards the direction of a hunter holding a gun in my direction and watched in satisfaction as his eyes widened and snarled, enjoying the look of utter fear as he backed away as I walked in his direction. I had already disposed of the rogues I had been fighting and I was about to have a little fun playing with this hunter. He fired another round and I hissed as a hot searing pain filled me and realized that these people had laced their bullets with wolf's bane.

I could feel my vision become blurred as I I struggled to stay on my feet. Fuck.

I snarled and launched at the hunter who screamed as he turned and ran in the opposite direction.

>Now he's screaming? Fucking wuss< Gunnolf chuckled in my head making me smirk, >Let me be the one to kill this one<

>Go for it<

I let him take full control and in a matter of seconds, Gunnolf had the male under him screaming and cursing as struggling to get away. I watched as Gunnolf ripped the hunter's limbs and smiled in satisfaction as he screamed as blood spluttered everywhere.

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