35. Jessie

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I winced as I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head before it eased a second later. I've been having these headaches more frequently than I'd like but I suppose it's normal considering that I had cancer. I've been lying to everyone whenever they asked if I was okay when I held my head but I knew that Princeton didn't believe me. He could see right through me yet he didn't say anything. Well, that was until now.

"You have been having more headaches than usual," he said as he stepped into the hospital room and I ignored him as I looked at the bed where Jericho slept. "You can fool everyone else but you can't fool me."

"I'm fine, Princeton." I replied as he stood beside me, "I already took something for it."

He pursed his lips but before he could say anything, a sound coming from the bed before us had our attention. Jericho's eyes were moving behind his closed lids as he sighed.

"Jer? You're alright, Princeton and I are here." I said holding his hand and giving it a light squeeze, Princeton reached over as well to do the same making Jericho stop moving as his eyes began to blink before they opened fully to stare up at us and I felt my eyes sting with tears as my throat closed. I smiled down at him as Princeton called for the doctor.

"Hey," I smiled moving his growing hair out of the way and he blinked looking around the dimly lit room with a frown before his eyes settled back on me.

"Where am I?" He asked before wincing at his hoarse voice, "What happened?"

"You're at the hospital, sweetie," I replied and he frowned, "the school nurse called saying you had fainted in class."

"I remember," he replied as he struggled to sit up but I gently pushed him back down.

"Don't move yet," I replied as Princeton rejoined us with the doctor following behind him.

"Good morning, Jericho, I'm Doctor Sanders, how are you feeling?" Doctor Sanders asked with a warm smile that Jericho returned.

"Like I've been sleeping forever." He replied making her nod before checking his vitals and visuals.

"It's understandable," she said as she moved back, "you were in a coma for several weeks."

His eyes practically came out to his head at the news making Princeton and I give him a small smile when he looked at us, "We're just glad that you're awake."

"Is everything good then?" I asked the doctor who nodded, "Can we get him transferred to the hospital near our home then?"

"Yes, I'll have all of his paperwork sent over to his doctor along with the medications he'll be taking," She said and we nodded, "He'll need to be in the hospital for at least another week before he's fully recovered and then he'll have to get checked regularly."

"We'll make sure he does all that he's told," Princeton said and the doctor nodded, "Is there anything I need to sign to get him transferred?"

"No, I've already signed the transfer. The ambiance should be here within the hour to get Jericho transferred."

She left soon after leaving the three of us alone once again, "I heard you've been having headaches."I closed my eyes at Jericho's words before nodding, "Are you going to die?"

"No," I replied as I looked at Princeton who clenched his jaw, "I've been taking medication to help with the headaches as well as seeing a specialist that says that the tumor hasn't moved from where it is."

I was lying through my teeth about the tumor not moving but I didn't want to worry them. That was the last thing Jericho needed right now.

"Is there a way that it can get cured?" Jericho asked and I nodded while Princeton said,

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