53. Jessie

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The sound of my alarm blaring at 6 woke me from my sleep and I groaned as I reached over to turn it off before sighing and burying my head in my pillow but it was short lived as it blared again. I stretched and yawned before getting off and waking over to the  bathroom and did my morning routine before checking on bonnie who wa a fast asleep in her crib and smiled. I walked down the hall to check on the older kids aside from Jericho who I knew was most likely on his morning run. Ever since he had a heart transplant his been doing things he wasn't able to do when he was younger and I was happy for him. He deserved that more than anyone I know.

Once I was done checking in on them, I headed down the hall towards the kitchen prepare breakfast. It took me a while to finish since each child was picky when it came to their food. I had French toast, bacon and eggs for Preston, Josh and Julianna while I had regular toast, avocado and chicken wrap for Jericho and Jenna and waffles and sausage for myself and Princeton.

It's been two weeks since the rogue and hunter attack that almost killed Princeton. Watching him bleeding and falling unconscious was the scariest thing I had witnessed since the first time nearly six years ago when we got together. I was afraid that he would never wake up since he had been out for a good week after the attack but o was relieved when he did.

"You scared the ever hell out of me you know that?" I asked him and he gave me a small apologetic smile as tears rolled down my face, "I was worried sick with not knowing of you woke ever wake up."

"Hey, I'm here okay? I promised you that I would come to you and the kids," he said as he pulled me against him, "even if it didn't go as planned. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"Good because I would bring you back just to kill you myself if you ever died." I muttered and he chucked as he held me tight against him as he pressed a kiss to my head.

"I don't doubt that."

The sound of the front opening and closing echoed down the hall along with the voices of my son and Princeton and smiled.

"Mama went all out again it seems," Jericho said making Princeton chuckle and I rolled my eyes. A door opening and shutting the hall in the opposite direction sounded a moment later followed by the pitter patter of feet making their way towards the kitchen.

"Morning mama," Preston greeted as he gave me a sleepy smile as he climbs into his chair just Jericho and Princeton walked in. "Hi papa, Jewicho."

"Morning mama, PJ," Jericho greeted as he walked to the fridge to grab a bottle of water that he downed in one go.

"Morning," I smiled, "I'm guessing you two ran into each other on the way back?"

"Yup," Princeton replied as he walked over and pressed a kiss to my temple as a greeting before doing the same as Jericho and down a moment ago.

"Go shower and then come back to eat." I ordered them and they grumbled, "you both stink."

"Rude!" They shouted as they walked out do the kitchen making Preston giggle and I shook my head.

"They're silly aren't they?"I asked my five year old who nodded before tuning to his food, "eat up so we can get you dressed for school." He pouted at the mention of school making me chuckle, "today's half a day so you'll be home by noon."

I went to get Bonnie from thr room and smiled as I heard Princeton singing some song in the shower. I swear that man was talented. Shaking my head I picked Bonnie up from the crib as she began to wake up. "Good morning little lady," I smiled down at her and she blinked open her eyes before giving me a toothy smile. She was adorable with her dark curls and tan skin. She looked such like Preston did when he was born. The perfect mix of Princeton and me.

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