4. Princeton

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The closer we got to the pack house, the more restless Gunnolf began to act confusing me.

>What's got you so restless?< I asked him through the link and he ignored me as he continued pacing in my head making me roll my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Isabel asked as we drove down the road towards the pack house

"Gunnolf is acting weird and won't tell me what's wrong" I replied as I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel of the car we decided to rent until tomorrow, "he's been acting that way since we crossed into Canada,"

"That's odd," She said, "he's probably just excited about coming home after three years of being away?"

"Probably," I replied even though I knew it had to be something else than just being excited about coming back home after three years of being away.

"Can we stop by the cafe before we go home? I want to get some coffee and a bagel"

"Isn't Zab working there today?" I asked turning to her. Zab or Zabdiel is one of our childhood friends from back home. Our other friends are Erica and Erick Davis and they're twins with Erica being Zabdiel's mate/girlfriend of five years.

"Probably, but we can always threaten him if he tells the pack we're home" she answered with a grin making me shake my head, "Though I have a feeling that the twins will probably be there as well so that'll be a bust,"

"I'm sure Erica and Erick won't tell anyone if we show up unexpectedly unlike Zabdiel who would utter it the moment he sees us," I replied

"Then shall we go to a different cafe then?" She asked but I was already making my way to the cafe where Zabdiel worked, "or maybe not"

"Mama and Papa are bound to already know we're here," I said and she sighed

"And speak of the devil," she said as her phone began ringing a second later and she showed me the caller making me grin, "Hi Dad"

"Apollo and Alaska were notified of a car driving over the speed limit between AJ's and Lakeview High" her father, who also happens to be my great-grandfather, (it's a long story) Xavier King said, and Isabel rolled her blue eyes.

"And you automatically thought it was me?" She asked.

"No, I thought of Princeton who I'm sure you're riding with," he replied and I bit the inside of my cheek at his reply, "and if so, you two better get your asses to the pack house soon before your mothers know,"

"Ugh, so much for surprising everyone," she muttered once the call ended and I chuckled.

"We're speaking of the King pack, Isa, we would've been found out sooner or later" I stated as I pulled into the parking lot of Carlos' Cafe where Zabdiel worked, "why don't you head to the pack house? I'm sure you're dying to get home already,"

"What about our drinks?" She asked as we stepped out of the car and she made to walk to the woods to be out of human view.

"I'll get them," I replied and she nodded.

>You're the greatest!< she said through the link before vanishing into the trees and I shook my head before I walked towards the cafe. God did it feel good to be home after so three years.

>Mate! Mate!< Gunnolf suddenly began chanting in my head making me blink in surprise. I looked around at the passing humans and none of them got my attention. There among the scents was one that cut my attention but I couldn't find the owner of such scent. Frustrated, I climbed the steps that led to the cafe and pulled the door open just as a customer was pushing it open and we collided.

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