21. Jessie

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I never imagined that I'd be going on a vacation with Princeton let alone with all four of my siblings. I know that I said that I had been ready to mate with him, but I was scared, and I don't even know why because I know Princeton would be gentle and wouldn't do anything that would hurt me but still. I can't help but think about how Emmanuel had taken advantage of me and what had happened after said events.

"Can we get something to eat?" Jenna asked from the back row of the car. Princeton's parents let him borrow their family car to take us on our four-week vacation to Montreal. The car had three rows as I said, weird Jericho and Jenna at the back and Julianna with Josh in the middle and of course Princeton in the driver's seat and me in the passenger seat.

"Sure, I don't see why not," Princeton said as he looked at the 10-year-old through the rearview mirror before focusing back on the road ahead of us.

"Yay," she exclaimed making us chuckle and I turned to see her with a beaming smile on her pretty round face. I still fear that she'll have one of her episodes during our trip one she hasn't had since we left our old home and moved in with Princeton and his family at the pack house.

"You're thinking too much," Princeton said breaking me out of my thoughts and I looked back at him, "something wrong?"

I shook my head and smiled as I sat back in my seat but not before catching Jericho's eyes. He held the same worry in his own eyes before he looked at Jenna who was oblivious to the whole thing. Maybe going on vacation was a bad idea. Specifically, if it could be bad that she'll be sick the entire time. I bit my lip and prayed that nothing wrong happens on our trip. I know it'll only make Jenna think it'll be her fault that our trip was cut short, and no matter how many times we may tell her that, she'll still feel bad and will most likely cry the entire trip back home.

I sighed and shook my head giving Princeton a small smile, "Nothing."

He didn't look convinced but didn't push and I was thankful.

"Alright, we're here," he said as he pulled into a small little diner on the road. It was called Cora and it looked like it was quite popular with how many cars were currently parked in the lot.

"Alright, let's head in," I said as I got Josh out of his car seat while Princeton got Julianna from her and let the door open for Jenna and Jericho to climb out for the back. I grabbed the diaper bag that held a bottle for Julianna and luckily Josh wasn't allergic to anything so he was okay to get anything to drink at the diner.

"Bonjour, Bienvenue chez Cora," a waitress said in greeting as we walked in. (Hello, welcome to Cora.)

"Bonjour," we greeted back. It was as I had expected, packed with chatting customers.

Since it was a sit-yourself diner, we were lucky enough to find an empty booth at the corner of the place. It was surprising to see that the diner was bigger than I thought from the outside. The diner feels as if I have entered a dreamland with the happy chatter, the fragrances, and the easy and natural colors.

I felt Princeton get closer to me as he carried Josh while I carried Julianna. Jenna and Jericho were ahead of us and had already found a booth for us to sit at.

"Something wrong?" I whispered and shook his head with a small smile, and I knew he wasn't but didn't ask as we took our seats on the booth with Josh sitting on Princeton's lap and Julianna in a booster chair that a waitress was kind enough to bring for us.

A moment later the same girl that had greeted us when we came in, walked to our table with a notepad in her hands. Her eyes kept traveling to Princeton and she didn't even hide that she was interested in him. She kept biting her bottom lip as she glanced at him but Princeton paid her no mind as he scanned the menu in front of us.

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