40. Princeton

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"Because it's the last least I can do for my mate."

Apollo's words still echoed in my was even after four hours. Yes, it's been four hours since he told us that Jax was his mate. Jessie hadn't reacted in surprise which only meant he already knew, but he wanted Apollo to be the one to say it.

"What's on your mind?" Mama asked as he stepped besides me and I shook my head with a sigh. "I know that look and I know something is bothering you, Princeton."

"The siblings," I said and he raised a brow and I sighed, "the triplets and Zabdiel interrogated them earlier today."

"I know," he said and I looked at him making him smile,"Apollo came to see Caleb and I for advise on how to properly deal with his mate having another male's pups."

I was surprised since the triplets, especially Apollo,  didn't like having this type of conversation with Mama because they don't want to upset him for bringing it up. "That's surprising."

"It was," he agreed nodding, "but Caleb more than I, understood his reservations about his mate having children from another man." I bit my cheek and looked out the window towards the yard when Apollo and Jax were talking.

"Do you think Apollo will reject him?" I asked nodding towards the pair but mama shook his head.

"He accepted him the moment he saw him,Princeton." He replied and I nodded, "didn't he say that bringing his son back was the least he could do for him after everything that boy and his siblings have been through since they were children?"

"Yeah." I nodded and turned back to the window where I watched Jax launch himself at Apollo making the latter wrap his arms around him.

"I spoke with them," mama said and I looked back at him and he smiled, "Caleb and I have decided to take them in as our own."

"Really?" I asked surprised and he nodded, "and what did they say?"

"They agreed to letting us take them in so tomorrow we'll be going to speak with Alaska to have their last names legally changed to ours."

"That's awesome, Mama." I said with a grin making him chuckle, "thank you, really."

"Caleb and I already saw them as our pups when we met them. Our wolves wanted to tear their father apart but they were proud when we saw Julia stab him and kill him." He stated making me grin. "They'll be in good hands, sweetie, especially Jax."

"I know,mama."


"What are your last names?" I asked the siblings making them look up from what they were doing which had been reading.

"Davis." Julia answered adding, "why?"

"And your father's name?" Jessie asked, and  they looked at each other before Jaime replied.

"Robert." He stated, "his name was Robert Davis."

"Why?" Jax asked since I ignored Julia's question and sat across from them on the picnic table.

"So we know the type of pack we're going to be dealing with," I replied making them frown, "I'm sure you already know that Alaska, myself and the pack will be going to war with the pack that your father ruled over and hopefully retrieve your children."

"All three?" Jaime asked and I nodded and they looked like they were about to cry but blinked their eyes hard to keep the tears at bay, "but why would you go to that extent for us?"

"Because you're family," I replied and they looked at me with glossy eyes, "my mom said that he asked if you would be okay with him and my dad taking you three into the family."

"Luca and Caleb are your parents?" Julia questioned and I nodded, "so we're siblings?"

"Yes," I stated and they swallowed before blinking their eyes again, making me smile, "and because you're my siblings now, I will do whatever I have to do, to bring your children home."

Julia took me by surprise by jumping into my arms and wrapping hers around my neck before bursting into tears and I smiled hugging her back. Jaime and Jax joined us a second later and hugged us.

"Thank you, Princeton, for everything."


"So what's the plan?" I questioned the alpha, head warrior and third in command aka the triplets as I walked into the meeting room. I stoped short when I saw the entire family in the room. By entire family I meant the former alphas, Bennett and Dimitri King my  grandparents. Molly and Mac Savage along with Elizabeth and Xavier King and Morgan Savage, my great grandparents. uncles Chris and Brett from Grandpa Benny's side of the family, and Uncles Sage, Gabriel and Isabel, from Dimitri's side of the family. Jessie was also in the room along with the warlocks, Argus and Lucius.

"Why are you all in here?" I asked looking at my extended family and they raised their brow in unison at my question. Okay that was creepy as fuck.

"Because family protects family." Great-Grandpa Morgan said and they nodded in agreement to his reply and I pursed my lips but nodded.

"So wants the plan then?" I asked looking at Alaska but she shook her head making me raise a brow.

"Not everyone is here." She replied making me frown in confusion but before I could ask her who we were waiting  for, the door to the room opened when Aiden walked in followed by my uncles Jeremiah, Cain, Alexander and aunt Soledad along with their mates Sofia, Raven, Riley and Richard. Papa's friends, Damon, David, Erick and Liam also joined us with their mates Kamala, Leo and Aaron who also happened to Mama's friends.


"Adam and Alexa will be here soon," Kamala said and Alaska nodded.

"Sorry," Adam apologized as he and Alexa—not one of the triplets or my great-grandma—entered the room.

Why did they all have to have the same goddamn name?

"No worries, we were just waiting for you both." Alaska said as she looked at everyone in the room, "as you may all have already heard, we were attacked a few weeks ago but a group of rogues."

We nodded and she continued, "Caleb and Luca have decided to take the siblings in as their own."

My parents gave a small smile and nod when the others looked at them before mama spoke up, "they deserve to have a family that supports and will protect them unlike their parents."

Our extended family nodded at his reply before turning back to Alaska. "Apollo, why don't you speak?"

Apollo pursed his lips making his parents look at him with reassuring smiles, "I'm sure news had already spread about me finding my mate," again they all nodded and he took a deep breath, "my mate is Jax. One of the three rogues that had crossed onto our lands weeks ago when we were attacked."

My grandparents gave him a reassuring smile when whispers and murmurs erupted in the room, "silence."

"They are not responsible for the attack on the pack," Jessie said bringing attention to him, "I will it give you any details as to how I know, but they are not responsible for the attack. Those three have suffered a lot since they were children." I walked over to him and gave his hand a light squeeze. "They deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion because they never had that growing up. They only knew pain and suffering."

"I asked you all to be here because we are going to be bringing Julia, Jaime and Jax's children home."


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