26. Princeton

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As soon as Jessie and his siblings arrived home from school, he and I made our way toward Doctor Mel's office to find out the results.  He was a nervous wreck, his hand gripping mine in a tight hold, but I didn't mind. My mind was racing with questions. Will I be a good father to my child? What if I messed up and Jessie gets tired of me and leaves? What if the baby hates me?

I sighed and squeezed Jessie's hand to reassure him and calm my nerves. A few minutes later, we were standing in front of Dr. Mel's office, and I took a deep breath before knocking on her door.

"Come in," she called, and I opened the door and let Jessie go in first before closing the door behind me and following him to the chair, "Ready to find out the results?"

We nodded, and she smiled, going over to her desk and pulling out a white envelope, and handing it to Jessie by his lip as he reached for it.

"Congratulations are in order," she said, making us look up at her with wide eyes, and she chuckled, "that's just confirmation of the results. Jessie, you are roughly about three weeks along."

"Can we get an ultrasound done?" Jessie asked, and Doctor Mel nodded.

"Of course," she replied as she walked over to the cabinet to grab a pair of gloves, "you can come and lay down."

Jessie slowly walked over to the cot and climbed up before laying down on his back, lifting his shirt to expose his stomach. He stared up at the ceiling, and I could tell he was reliving the past when he was pregnant.

I walked over and stood beside him on his left while the doctor got the machine ready, I saw a look of pain flash in his eyes before he closed them, and I bit my lip, wanting to make that look go away, but I knew that no words can ever really make the pain as great as losing a child go away. I would know because my parents went through that a year after the twins were born. Mom was pregnant with my baby brother when the pack was attacked when he was caught in the crossfire causing him to have a miscarriage.

They were devastated. They've tried to move on, but I can tell that it still hurts then, especially my mother, who had been so happy about having another baby.

A hand squeezing my hand brought me back to earth, and I looked down to see Jessie watching me with worried eyes, but I shook my head with a smile.

"I warmed the gel up, so it won't be too cold," Dr. Mel said before she squeezed a fair amount onto Jessie's skin before moving the wand thing around, it took a few tries before the indistinguishable sound of a heartbeat filled the room. The screen was black and gray, but you could see a small blob in the mass.

"The baby is growing at a healthy rate," Dr. Mel said, and I blinked, looking at the screen. It was as big as my thumb.

"You said I was about three weeks along, right?" Jessie asked, and she nodded, "So that means...." Jessie began before he cut himself off, his face turning a bright red while I smirked. Damn, my sperm works fast.

"If it's any consolation, you aren't the first mated couple to get pregnant your first time," she said with a chuckle, making Jessie's face brighter than ever if that we possible.

"Stop laughing," Jessie whined, covering his face when he looked at up me.

"Sorry, babe," I chuckled, and he groaned.

"You're impossible," he huffed before wiping off the gel from his stomach when Dr. Mel gave him some tissues.

"I know," I teased, and he rolled his eyes.

"How many copies would you like?" She questioned, and Jessie replied with six, and I raised a brow, but he just shrugged, making me shake my head. And he calls me ridiculous.

"When should we come back?" I asked.

"I'd like to see you again in about five weeks," she replied, and we nodded. Once we were all done in the infirmary, we headed back to the house.

"So you want to tell the family now or wait?" I asked, looking down at Jessie, who bit his lip before looking back up.

"Let's wait a little bit, I don't want to jinx it," he murmured, and I nodded.

"Alright," I agreed. We decided to go back to our room and rest for a bit since we'd had a long day both with school and patrolling, plus finding out we were expecting our first child together after only being together for less than three months.

It was crazy how life has a way of surprising you in the most unexpected of ways, but there's nothing I would change about it because I have one of the most incredible people as my mate, and together we made the best thing that the moon goddess could give us, our first child.

"I can't wait to watch your belly grow with our baby," I murmured as we lay in bed, and he huffed.

"I'll look like a whale," he grumbled.

"You'll look beautiful, babe," I replied, and he looked up with a smile.

"You're going to be a great dad, you know?" He said, and I raised a brow, "you're good with my siblings' heck; they already see you as their father."

"And you're already the best mother they could ask for, and this baby is lucky to have you as it's mom," I said, and he smiled.

"I want to adopt them legally. I mean, the little ones already call me Mama, so it makes sense just to become their legal guardian," he said, running his fingers through my hair, and I hummed in agreement.

"Then let's do it," I said, making him snap his bead back up, "as you said, they already see me as their father, and they see you as their mother, so it makes perfect sense that we adopt them together."

"God, I love you," he murmured, and I smiled, leaning down and pecking him on the lips.

"I love you too, Jessie."

Yeah, I can't wait to see what life has in stored for us from this day on because we'll be okay, because we have each other, and we have the support of my family, the pack, and our friends. I wouldn't want anyone else to be the mother of my children than Jessie because he's perfect in every sense of the word, and I love him more than life.

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