31. Jessie

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"You ready?" Princeton asked as we walked into Doctor Mel's office and I nodded. Today,after months of carrying out baby, was finally my c-section and we were over the moon excited to finally meet our son. The kids were just as excited if not more to meet their little brother.

"After today," I said and he looked down, "We'll be a family of 7," he smiled and pressed a kiss to my temple.

"And I'm really looking forward to it," he replied before knocking on the door to the doctor's office. We heard movement on the other side do the door before she pulled it open with a smile. Her hair was a little messy as if she had been sleeping but other than that she looked just as she always did.

"Did we wake you?" I asked and she shook her head just as her husband, Devin, appeared behind her. She had a small tinge of pink to her cheeks as we looked at her. I raised a brow with a knowing look while my dear mate smirked.

"Those things should be done at home, Doc," he said making her face turn beet red which earned him an elbow to the side. Her husband only smirked before giving her a kiss and a slap to her behind on his way out.

"Devin!" She gasped as she hit him on the shoulder making him laugh.

"Doctor Mel," Princeton said with a wicked grin before opening his mouth to say something but I cut him off saying,

"Don't even." He pouted as he looked down at me but I gave him a look that had him rolling his eyes. Doctor Mel gave me a grateful smile before leading us down the hall towards the delivery room.

She asked me a few questions as I got on the bed once I had changed out of my clothes and into a hospital gown. I laid on the bed as Princeton held my hand beside me.

"Can you feel this?" She asked a few moments and I shook my head, "Good, we'll start the procedure then."

She turned away from me and gave her attention to delivering our baby. I could feel how tense Princeton was the entire time as his body was rigid. I saw his eyes change color meaning the Gunnolf was fighting every instinct in him to not attack the doctor.

"Don't look at her," I said catching his attention "I know that you're not enjoying having to see me being cut open." He clenched his jaw making me smile, "it'll be okay, babe, ju-"

My words were cut by a loud wail and Princeton's head snapped towards the curtain that divided my top and bottom halves during the delivery.

"And we've got a boy," Doctor Mel said as she lifted the baby into the air for us to see and I felt my eyes sting as tears rolled down the sides and my heart swelled in my chest.

"He's beautiful,"Princeton said and I turned to see him with tears streaming down his face.

"Ready to cut the cord?" Doctor Mel asked and he nodded his head before doing just that after she had showed him where he needed to cut.

She gave the baby to the nurse in hand before she stitched me up. I was moved to the recovery room a few moments later with baby Preston in arms.


>Congratulations Jessie and Princeton!< I heard the pack all yell in unison throb the pack link making me chuckle. Though the pack knew that today was my c-section, they didn't know at what time so hearing their voices all mingled together meant that my boyfriend and mate had told them.

>Thank you!< I replied before closing the link between everyone and turned to my left where Princeton was currently sitting with our son in his arms. And my goddess did he look hot holding our son.

"You're staring," he said and I wasn't even embarrassed at getting caught and just shrugged.

"And?" I asked making him chuckle and look up,

"Mama and Papa said that they'll bring Jenna and Jericho over later when they get home from school, but they're bringing Jules and Josh down" I nodded at his words since before coming to the infirmary, Princeton and I left Julianna and Josh at his parents house. "Mama says that Josh is excited to meet his little brother,"

I smiled and sighed. For the first time in 18 years I was finally at a place where I was happy and free. For the past nearly 19 years I have been the sore caretaker of my four younger siblings that I'm lucky to call my children because as of three months ago, Princeton and I have legally adopted all four of them. I was truly happy which was something I never knew I was ever going to be because of my family life. It's been nearly seven months since my mother was arrested for child abuse and neglect and not a day went by that I wasn't grateful to her, and why you may ask? Because it's because of her that I learned to be a better parent then she ever was or ever be. She taught me to be strong and brave and to protect.

I haven't seen or heard about or from her in all those months and to be honest? I don't even care. Many may think it's insensitive of me but would you care if your parent, the one that's supposed to protect you and love you and teach you to be a good person, abused you for years since you were 4 or 5 years old? No? I didn't think so. I lived a life of fear not for myself but for my siblings.

"You're thinking about her again," I blinked and looked at Princeton who still had his eyes on our son before looking up, "You get this look on you face when you think of your mother,"

He elaborated when I didn't say anything and I bit my cheek making him smile before he stood up and readjusted Preston in his arms before he gently laid him in my arms, "She's no longer part of your life, Jessie. Our family is."

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