34. Princeton

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I paced the length of the waiting as we waited for any confirmation that the operation went well. It had been hours since the doctor came out to tell us they were taking Jericho into surgery and we still haven't heard anything. I knew Jessie was missing the kids but he didn't want to leave the hospital incase anything happened and we were both needed here. My parents had taken the kids to their house to watch them for us until this whole thing is over. And speaking of my parents, I had called them as soon as the doctor wheeled Jericho to surgery to let them know and Mana said that he'll have one of the pack caretakers watch the chairmen for them so they could be with us when Jericho came out of surgery. That had been 3 hours ago.

I jumped at the sound of my phone buzzing in my pocket and took it out to see it was Papa calling.

"Hey Papa," I greeted the male on the other end of the line.

"Hi kid, any news?" He asked and I sighed running my fingers through my hair.

I didn't get the chance to reply to Papa's question when I heard more questions asked and I was having a hard time getting a word in. I rolled my eyes, looked over at Jessie to see that Ellie was sitting with him and holding his hand. I smiled and cut Mama off mid sentence.

"Mama, I've gotta go but I'll see you all soon." He didn't get the chance to answer as I ended the call before ticking my phone into my pocket and walked over to the pair and sat beside my mate.

"How long have you and him been together?" Ellie asked looking over at me when she was me walk back to then

"We haven't been together for long" Jessie answered and she looked over with a raised brow.

"And yet your son has his last name?" She asked

"It's a long story," he said and she nodded.

"Well we've got time," She said and Jessie nodded but I sighed resting my es Don the back of the chair make he two look at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked and i shook my head.

"The family is coming," I grumbled making hin laugh

"The more the merrier right?" He asked and I chuckled


We sat in the waiting area for another 20 minutes before the sound of people talking over each other reached us and we all looked over to see Mama and Lapa along with Nono Benny and Bo Dimitri, Bella, the triplets—Apollo,Alexa, and Alaska—Aiden and his mate Lucian and son. Our friends and the kids being held back by the security guard before Bo pushed his way through leading the group.

"You weren't kidding when you said the whole family was coming" Jessie murmured with wide eyes

"Told you,"I mumbled.

"You've got a big family," Ellie whispered from beside us and we laughed at that because she didn't know the half of it.

"That's not even the whole family," I whispered softly so she didn't hear.

"Any news?" Mama asked pushing his father aside and walking over to sit beside me. I shook my head in reply and they all sat around us ignoring gawking glances from the other visitors.

"How long has he been in there?" Papa questioned next.

"Four hours and thirty minutes," Jessie replied and they nodded before their attention was drawn to the blonde on next to Jessie.

"And who may you be?" Nono Benny asked beating Mama and Papa.

"Oh, um, I'm Elizabeth, it's nice to meet you all," Ellie said with a smile that all four returned.

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