23. Jessie

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The first four days in Montreal were uneventful with us going to a little park near the house so that Josh, Julianna, and Jenna could play while Jericho, Princeton, and I watched them from a safe distance as we sat on a picnic table.

On the fifth day there the temperature had dropped from 60 to 30 in a matter of hours. The following day it began to snow but it wasn't bad. But as we marked our first week at Princeton's family's vacation home is when what I feared happened. It was a normal day with us all waking up at 9, and having breakfast before going outside to play in the backyard since they had a little yard for the kids to play. But it was around lunchtime when Jenna suddenly stopped being her usual hyper girl, and just sat on the sofa staring into space. When either Princeton or I asked her something she didn't even acknowledge either of us and was unresponsive.

I practically dove when I saw her collapse, pillowing her head with my hands so she didn't hurt herself as she began shaking. It broke my heart to see her shaking and unable to speak. I heard Jericho taking Josh and Julianna out of the room while Princeton stayed behind to help me. He pulled a blanket off of the back of the sofa and laid it over her.

After what felt like an eternity, Jenna's shaking began to ease up but I could tell she was shaken up as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Shh," I whispered pulling her onto my lap as she began crying, "shh, you're alright."

I rubbed her back as she wrapped her arms around my neck, her tears soaking onto my shirt but I didn't care, what mattered was making Jenna feel safe and okay.

"I don't like having them," she whimpered against my neck, "I wish I was normal."

I closed my eyes. She didn't deserve this. None of my sis kings deserves to have all these health problems. And I bone them on my mother. She didn't give two fucks a born the damage she was causing them when was pregnant with them. She smiled, drank, and abused drugs all the fucking time with each of them. I begged her to think about their health but she didn't give a fuck.

"You're normal, Jenna" I heard Princeton say, "Just because you have seizures doesn't make you any less of a strong, and beautiful young lady. Whoever says otherwise is jealous."

I bit my lip as I listened to him and Jenna snuggled into my chest as she sniffled, "Don't ever let people bring you down because of something that you can't control. One day those say people will realize how terrible they are and will see just how perfect you are and want to be your friend."

"Really?" She mumbled and Princeton smiled nodding as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Really." She nodded as she yawned. And as always after every episode, she gets tired so I'm not surprised that a second later her little ten-year-old body slumped against mine as soft snores left her slightly parted lips. Princeton gets to his feet before gently taking her into his arms making her cuddle into him not once waking up. "I'll go lay her down, why don't you go check on the others?"

I nodded and with that, he walked down the hall towards the room Jenna was staying in while I went to check on the others knowing Jericho will be worried about Jenna while Josh would be confused and scared as he has never seen Jenna have one of her episodes before.


I couldn't sleep that night. Not even for a second with fear that if I did that I'd wake up with Jenna gone. It's always been a fear of mine to wake up to one less sibling. I had to sleep in Jenna's room to keep an eye on her and I'm glad I did. Because it happened again. But this time it lasted longer than the one she had this afternoon.

"Princeton! Princeton!" I yelled as she shook and convulsed on the bed. The door to the room opened as I pulled her out of the bed and onto her side so she didn't choke on her saliva.

"Call 9-1-1," I said and saw him pull his phone out of his pocket and dial for an ambulance. Her lips began to turn blue which has never happened before it was terrifying me.

"They're on their way," Princeton said as he pocketed his phone and I nodded as I hopelessly watched Jenna shaking as she began having trouble breathing, "she's going to be alright, love."

"I can't lose her, Princeton, I can't" I whimpered, and not long did I hear the sound of the doorbell ringing before voices were heard at the front meaning Jericho was awake.

"In there," I heard him say before the door to the room opened and two paramedics walked in with a gurney.

"How long has she been having her seizure?" One of them asked and I swallowed the lump in my throat before answering.

"Almost 15 minutes," I said and they nodded as they began giving her some medication to get her seizure under control.

"Has this happened before?" The partner asked and I nodded.

"She's always had them ever since she was a baby. But this has been the longest one she's had," I answered as they placed her on the gurney once her seizure had stopped and her lips had turned to their rosy color meaning her breathing was back even if wasn't back fully back to normal. "It's been about two months since she had her last seizure."

They nodded before they wheeled her out of the room and towards the awaiting ambulance.

"Only one parent can go with her," one of the paramedics said as we followed them out. Princeton nodded for me to go with them.

"You go, I'll meet you at the hospital with the others," he said and I nodded and gave him a quick peck on the lips before climbing the ambulance and taking Jenna's hand in mine.

Please be okay, I can't lose you too. I can't.

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