48. Princeton

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"How?" I heard Jessie whisper as he stared at the male with wide watery eyes and the man frowned as he held the gun towards us but he didn't shoot. I could see the confusion in his eyes which in turn made me very protective and defensive of my husband. I pulled Jessie closer to me almost hiding him from the hunter.

"Jessie? Do you know this man?" I asked and the male blinked his eyes and looked at me before looking at Jessie again and frowned.

"Jessie?" He asked my mate swallowed and I could hear his heart racing in his chest as he stared at the unknown person before us, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Jessie nodded, "yes," and the hunter's eyes widened as he lowered the gun he held. I furrowed my brows and looked down at my husband and then at the male.

"You're alive," the hunter whispered, his eyes glistening with tears that confused the fuck out of me even more. "I should've known."

"What are you talking about?" I asked making him look over at me, "if Jessie grew up thinking you were dead then how is it possible that you're alive? But not only that but you're a hunter, our enemy."

He opened his mouth to speak when a new voice cut him off and a loud gunfire shot exploded in the tent I hissed as I felt a burning in my stomach. I looked down to see my white button-down shirt getting soaked in red. Jessie's eyes widened as I felt my knee evict out under me.

"Princeton!" He yelled as he grabbed me and I coughed, blood dribbling from my mouth, "stay with me, Prince," Jessie whimpered as tears began to roll down his cheeks and I smiled my eyes Locke dowry his, "please."

I just smiled at him as I cupped his cheek with a bloody hand and he scanned my face while tears freely fell from his blue eyes. I could hear the hunters arguing in the distance before another gunfire shot rang out and I liked over Jessie's shadier to see the hunter that shot me fall to the ground with blood pooling around him before Jessie's alleged father ran towards us.

"He needs to be seen by a doctor," The male said as I coughed up another mouthful of blood making Jessie whimper as he pressed his hands to my stomach, "Tyler infused the bullets with wolf's bane that's why he's struggling to heal." Fuck no wonder it fucking burned like hell.

Black dots slowly began to cloud my eyes and I could feel Gunnolf struggling to fight the venom in my system but was slowly losing the battle as I struggled to breathe.

"Pr," I could hear Jessie's voice in the distance but it was far away I couldn't figure out how far away he was.

"St-" his voice was saying but it was cut off by how distant he was.

>Sleep, Princeton< Gunnolf said and I let the darkness take me under.


There was a bright light in the distance and voices speaking but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

>time to wake up, Princeton< Gunnolf said and I blinked, looking over at him to see him resting his big head on his front paws as his eyes stared at me. I furrowed my brows as I looked around the unfamiliar meadow.

"Where are we?" I asked him and he tilted his head to the side before his eyes scanned the vast space before us before his eyes shifted back to me.

>have you forgotten about this place?< he questioned making me frown, >this is the meadow mama and papa brought you to help you control your shift<

I scanned the area once more and began to notice familiar sights and smells and sounds and felt a smile form on my lips as I finally recognized the place.

"We haven't been here since we were 10," I said and he nodded, "why are we here? And what did you mean it was time for me to wake up?"

>you brought us here< he answered and I frowned and he rolled his eyes >have you forgotten what happened?< I furrowed my brows trying to remember what happened that caused me to bring us to this place but couldn't figure it out and Gunnolf huffed as if he were fed up with my stupidity >We got married and were having our reception when we were attacked by hunters. Jessie and you were in a tent with a hunter who turned out to be our mate's supposedly dead father. His companion shot you with a bullet filled with wolf's bane< My other half explained and I blinked as I let his words sink in before I felt my eyes widen.

"Jessie," I whispered and Gunnolf sighed, "that's what you meant."

>for being a beta you sure are stupid< he replied with a deadpanned look and I rolled my eyes and flipped him off making him snicker. I closed my eyes and let myself be pulled back into my unconscious body. I could hear beeping and talking somewhere in the place I was. I blinked my eyes open slowly and hissed as the brightness assaulted my eyes. A shadow soon fell over me and I heard Jessie's voice above me.

"Princeton?" I slowly reopened my eyes to come face to face with a worried-eyed Jessie and gave him a small smile that had him sighing in relief before he was crushing me into a tight hug as his shoulders began to shake as he cried. His tears soaked my hospital gown and I was quick to wrap my arms around him.

>how long have I been out?< I asked him through the mating link and he sniffled as he buried his face against my neck before he could reply, the door to the room opened and Doctor Vincent entered and smiled.

"Good evening Beta Princeton," he greeted and I nodded as Jessie moved aside but not far as he sat beside me on the hospital bed, "how are you feeling?"

"Sore," I replied truthfully and he nodded, "how long have I been out for?"

"Three days," he replied and I nodded as Jessie tightened his grip on my hand, "you're lucky that you were brought in as soon as you were injured, or else we wouldn't have been able to save you." Jessie stiffened beside me at the doctor's words making me growl at the idiot and the doctor quickly apologized for his choice of words. "Your mate's alleged father was the one who helped you and brought you here."

"He's my father," Jessie replied and the doctor nodded not wanting to piss my mate/husband even more.

"Of course," Doctor Vincent said, "anyway, your wound is completely healed, and are free to go home."

I nodded and dismissed him. He bowed and again apologized for angering Jessie before he left the room.

"Have you spoken to him?" I asked Jessie and he sighed nodding, "I'm sorry that I worried you when I was out for the past three days."

"You needed to fight off the venom," he replied, voice cracking with each word that had my heart breaking, "but it was the worst feeling in the world seeing you bleeding and unconscious."

"I promised you that I wouldn't leave you," I said and he looked over at me as tears rolled down his cheeks I sat up and wiped them away, "I'm here and will be for a very long time. And your dad saved me when the other hunter shot me didn't he?" He nodded as he sniffled and pressed his forehead against mine before cupping my face in his hands.

"I never want to feel that pain again, Princeton," he murmured, "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you."

"Let's not think about that, okay?"

I pressed my lips to him and he was quick to reciprocate the kiss as he tangled his fingers in my hair.

"I love you," I whispered after we pulled back for air and he smiled as he locked eyes with me.

"I love you."

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