3. Jessie

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I rushed inside when I heard yelling and saw red. Jennifer was holding Jericho down and had her hand raised ready to slap him and all he could do was beg her to stop. I ran to her and roughly pushed her off of him.

"Don't fucking touch him," I snarled at her as I stood in between her and Jericho. I could hear soft cries from the second floor and knew that my younger siblings were terrified, "go upstairs Jericho"


"Now Jericho" I ordered and he quickly got to his feet and ran upstairs after a final glance and knew he was just as afraid as our siblings were of what was going to happen next. I stared her down as Jennifer struggled to get to her feet.

"You pathetic piece of shit," she snarled as she struggled to stand, she wobbled as she grabbed a discarded bottle of beer from the ground and took a swing of it, "how dare you lay your filthy hands on me"

"You're one to talk," I replied keeping my distance from her as she started her sluggish walk towards me. She sneered in my direction, taking sip after sip of beer before it was empty.

One moment she was across from me and the next she had me pinned on the ground with the broken beer bottle raised over her head, "I should've killed you when I had the chance all those years ago, but I'm not going to make the same mistake," she said before bringing the bottle down and I choked and gasped as she rammed it into my stomach. I could feel blood begin to bubble up in my mouth as she continued to push it further in.

I don't know how it happened but I managed to push her off of me causing her to fall and hit her head on the first step of the stairs knocking her out. I blinked my eyes as blood continued to dribble down my mouth. I could hear a door opening in the distance followed by footsteps. Black dots covered my vision and I heard Jericho yelling my name before everything turned black.


The constant beeping next to my ear was what woke me up and I blinked before shutting my eyes again when the brightness assaulted me. I heard a soft gasp before the sound of a chair scraping on the tiled floor filled the air and a shadow fell over me. I opened my eyes and stared into blue worried-filled eyes.

"God, Jessie," Bella whispered as tears welled in her eyes making me hate myself for worrying her or anyone else.

"You've got no idea how fucking worried you had us," she said sniffling as she pulled back to wipe her tears away, "The others are outside waiting for the doctor to come and check you,"

"How did I get here?" I asked, my voice scratchy from lack of use and she reached over and poured some water into a glass before handing it to me before sitting in her chair she

"Jericho—after calling the police—called the house and told us what had happened," she said and I nodded just as the door to the room opened before Doctor Mel pokes her head in asking if she could come in. She was a beautiful woman with vibrant green eyes and red s blood hair and light caramel skin. She wore a pencil skirt with a red blouse under a white lad coat. She held what appeared to be my medical chart in her arms and sighed.

"I was hoping that we wouldn't be seeing each other again," She said after a few seconds of silence and I looked away, "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been stabbed a million times over" I murmured and she nodded

"And that's because you were—not a million times—but you were stabbed a few times," she said and I bit the inside of my cheek, "You were unconscious when paramedics arrived at your house"

"How long am I staying here this time?" I asked not wanting to hear anything else that had to do with why I was here, and she gave me a small smile

"You'll be in the hospital for another five or six days depending on how your injuries heal, then you'll be going to stay with Caleb and Luca until you graduate, and then it's your decision on what you're doing after that," She said and I frowned

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