25. Jessie

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It's been two weeks since we got back from Montreal and during our first few days back, Jenna's had at least three to four seizures that resulted in her being admitted to the hospital for a few days for observation. She hates hospitals and I don't blame her. I hate them just as much as the next person does. I mean yes they are important but come on, the place smells like death and cleaning chemicals that burn your nose.

Anyway, as I was saying, it's been two weeks since we've been back and within those two weeks, Princeton and I had decided that we would move in together seeing as we had completed the mate bond. It still feels surreal like we had just reacquainted ourselves with each other nearly three months ago and yet we were already taking big steps in our relationship but at the same time it's not very surprising seeing as wolves mate as soon as they find their mates.

Princeton has been amazing since day one of our meetings again. He's been very understanding and supportive and always ready to protect -not just me but my siblings as well. Every day after he meets with Alaska, he's always up to reading the youngsters a book to play with them or help Jericho with his work. Of course, we always find time for just us two as well but normally we all get together and watch a movie or have game nights.

But for some reason these past few days I have been feeling like complete and utter crap. Princeton thinks I should see the pack doctor while I just think it's a stomach bug and that it'll go away soon.

This brings us to our current conversation.

"Baby, you've been running to the bathroom and throwing up almost every morning and even most nights for the past four days," Princeton said as I got back from another trip to the restroom to empty my stomach.

"I'm fine," I grumbled climbing into our bed and cuddling into his side and he sighed pressing a kiss to my temple, "I promise that if  it doesn't go away in two days, I'll go see Doctor Mel."

"You said that two days ago," he murmured, "which means that we'll be seeing her tomorrow."

"Can't we just wait?" I asked looking up at him with a pout but he shook his head kissing my nose and making me crinkle it and he smiled.

"What if it's something serious? Better to find it now rather than wait and it is too late," he replied and I bit my lip because he was right. But something in me told me that it wasn't. Instead of having to worry about me being at death's door that it was something different. Something that has ten toes and fingers. Something with a heartbeat. But I didn't want to voice my suspicions based on throwing up most mornings and nights. Because I never had those symptoms when I was expecting my first baby.

"Please? Just humor me," he asked and I nodded which earned me a relieved smile, "thank you, it'll put my mind at ease."

"You're coming with me though," I said and he nodded.

"I wouldn't want to miss whatever news Doctor Mel has to say," he stated and I smiled cuddling into his side, "Now let's get some sleep because tomorrow we have an early day."


The following day before school, Princeton and I went to see Doctor Mel to find out what's been causing me to be sick almost every morning and sometimes even at night.

"Come in!" The familiar voice of the Doctor yelled when Princeton knocked on the door and he rolled his eyes before pushing the door on and holding it for me to go in before him, "I'll be with you in one second Beta."

"Take your time, Doc" Princeton said as he led me to a couple of chairs by the door and sat down. Doctor Mel was typing away at her computer for a few more minutes before she was giving us her undivided attention.

"Alright, so what seems to be the problem?" She asked clasping her hands on her desk, "You said that you've been feeling ill for the past few days, is that right, Jessie?"

I nodded, "This is the first time since it's happened. I've only ever gotten sick once but it always lasted a day but not this time."

"From the mark on your neck I can tell you've been sexually active," I blushed at her words but nodded and she sighed, "Did you at least use protection?"

"No," Princeton replied and Doctor Mel nodded.

"I know you were pregnant once before," She commented and I nodded biting my lip. "Did you ever have symptoms?" I shook my head, "I see. Well from what I gathered from what you told me I can guess why you've been feeling ill."

I swallowed the lump in my throat at her words.

"Are you saying he's pregnant?" Princeton asked, voice filled with worry but I could also hear happiness.

"Yes," Doctor Mel answered, "But we won't know until I run some tests," she rummaged through her drawers before pulling out a few items one being a pregnancy test and a plastic cup that she handed to me. I sighed and walked into the attached bathroom and did what it was supposed to do and peed into the plastic cup before washing my hands and handing it to Doctor Mel.

"How long until we get the results?" Princeton asked and Doctor Mel smiled

"We should be able to get the results at the end of the day," she replied and we nodded, "Which means that until we know the results, you need to be careful, Jessie."

"I will," I replied and she nodded, "though it'll be difficult to concentrate on school with this hanging over my head the entire day."

She gave me a small smile as a reply before she ushered us away, and for good reason school will be starting in half an hour and I still needed to get Josh and Julianna ready for daycare and preschool.

"This is going to be the longest day ever."

"I agree."

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