6. Princeton

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"What?" The confused voice of Jessie filtered through the haze and I cursed Gunnolf for being an idiot and pushed him back ignoring his protests.

>Hey!<He whined and I glared at him.

>I was going to tell him but you had to go and open your big ass mouth idiot< I hissed at him making him huff and roll his eyes before turning tail and walking away and I rolled my eyes before I shook my head.

"What did you mean by mate?" Jessie asked again and I closed my eyes before opening them again.

"Guess cat's out of the bag," I murmured and he frowned tilting his head to the side before looking into my eyes and sighing.

"You're back," he replied with a small smile and I nodded biting my lip before sighing and grabbing his hand—those familiar shocks electrifying my arms and I knew it did the same to him with how he tensed up—leading him over to the playground and blocking out the murmurs of the pack.

"I was going to tell you when we got to know each other better and when I took you on our first date," I said making him blink I chuckled and was about to help him sit but he swatted my hand away saying he can sit on his own so I held my hands up in defense before taking a sit beside him.

"You already know about pack ranks but what you don't know is that every wolf has a mate or their other half. My parents are mates and so are my grandparents." I began and he nodded.

"Wolves have an instinct of protecting their mates and going apeshit crazy if anyone touches them without their consent. Hence the reason why I, well Gunnolf, nearly killed your friend Kayden. Gunnolf is very territorial. And if he sees you in trouble whether being hurt or harassed or kissed without your consent he'll kill the person harming you or injure them to the point where they'll know when to back off. I usually have a good grip on him but I was also angry that Kayden kissed you without your consent." I went on to explain and he nodded taking it all in.

"Sometimes wolves will get rejected by their mates or vice versa," I stated and he frowned.

"Why would they reject each other?" He asked and I smiled maybe he'll accept me but I'm not going to keep my hopes up in case he rejects me.

"Because most wolves don't want mates or their mates are already with someone else that they love and want to be with so they reject the wolf," I answered and he nodded biting his bottom lip and I followed the movement.

"What will happen to the rejected mate?" He asked after a few seconds of us sitting in silence.

"They'll eventually die," I said and he looked up at me with wide eyes and I smiled.

"Can't they also find a second chance mate or something?" He quizzed.

"Sometimes if the goddess allows it if not then both parts will die," I said and he nodded biting the inside of his cheek, I hated to tell him these things but he needs to know what the consequences may be if he rejects me and the last thing I want is for him to worry about me.

"So if I reject you, you'll die, and what will happen to me?" He asked and I felt a pang in my chest at the question but answered.

"I'll die a painful death while you may get a second chance mate seeing as you're a good person and deserve to have a happy life but if not then you'll have at least two to three years before you die," I say and he gulped.

"So I'll die after you if that were to ever happen?" I nodded as a reply before saying:

"But don't worry about that right now Jessie. You may not even die if I do. You may get a second chance mate if I ever did,"

My Mate.....The Human (new version)Where stories live. Discover now