12. Princeton

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"How are they holding up?" I asked Mama as he walked over to me as I stood by the window looking into the backyard where I could see my siblings and Jessie's siblings were playing.

"Josh and Jenna are still shaken up about the shooting, which is understandable," He replied as he stood beside me and I nodded, "Jessie said that they've been waking up multiple times during the night since the attack."

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair, "I wish I had gotten to them sooner."

"Don't beat yourself up for something that was out of your control, Princeton," Mama said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"That's just it, Mama," I said looking over at him, "if only I had stayed with them instead of coming back to the pack when Alaska asked me to, then I would've prevented this attack from traumatizing them to the point of them having nightmares."

"It was not your fault, Princeton," Mama repeated as he turned me around so I was forced to face him, his hands gently cupped my face making me look down at him, "you had your duty as Beta to return to the house."

"That doesn't change the fact that I almost lost my mate, the kids," I replied and he sighed bringing to head down and pressing our foreheads together, "I nearly lost them, mama."

"I know baby, but they're safe now," he replied pressing a kiss to my forehead but before I could reply I felt a tug on my mind just as Gunnolf began pacing in my head while whining and growling.

>Princeton?< Bella's voice echoed in my head >Princeton are you there?<

>What Bells?< I replied pulling back from Mama who furrowed his brows as I stood back to loathe what my sister had to say.

>I know you just got out of the infirmary but you need to come to the school< she said and her voice held a sort of urgency that didn't make sense seeing as she was one to never lose control of her emotions.

>It must have something to do with our mate, Human< Gunnolf said.

>What's wrong Bella?<

>Jessie< that's all she said before she closed the mind-link and I looked at mama who nodded his head as a reply.

"I'll watch them, you go to your mate," he said and I nodded before running out the door and bolting into the trees without looking back towards the yard where I could sense eyes on me.

>Give me control now, Human!< Gunnolf snarled I shifted into my Wolf form and ran towards the school hoping it was deserted to not draw attention to our species.

But the closer we got to the school, I could smell an unfamiliar scent in the air mixed with those of my mate, his brother's, friends, and Bella's. Their scents were filled with anger and fear. The scent of fear was coming off in waves from Jericho and Jessie while the scent of anger came from Bella and the others.

Gunnolf took control as we bolted through the woods landing a few feet away from where Jessie and the others stood and across from them was a human yet not human if it made sense. That unfamiliar scent was coming off of him.

>Care to explain who this person is, little sister?< I asked Bella through the mind link as I could hear doors opening and shutting behind me.

>that dear big brother, is Emmanuel< she replied and I snarled at the name. This was the bastard that broke my mate. The same bastard that killed my mate's unborn child and the same bastard that haunts his dreams.

>get them home and I'll take care of this bastard< I told her and she gave me a metal head nod as the sound of tires squealing on the asphalt sounded and then the bastard shifted into a cat. A giant, fucking organe cat with black stripes.

My Mate.....The Human (new version)Where stories live. Discover now