32. Princeton

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"Alright bud, you're going to help me ask your mama a very special question, okay?" I said as I changed Preston and all he did was stick his tongue out making me smile, "I'll take that as a yes."

I had asked Mama to go to the store and buy a onesie that said will you marry daddy? In the center. Needless to say he was very happy to know that I was planning on proposing to Jessie.

"There's no need for you to be so nervous, love," Mama had said when he saw me shaking like a damn leaf when he handed me the bag that held the onesie.

"Not nervous," I replied trying to sound strong but he only smiled, cupped my cheek

"He'll say yes." He said after giving me a kiss in the cheek before waking out of the hospital room. That had been a little over an hour ago.

"What are you whispering over there?" Jessie asked with a chuckle as he sat on his hospital bed

"Nothing,"I replied as I stood up from the sofa I had been sleeping in since Jessie had his scheduled c-section three days ago. Today was his and Preston's release date and better way to commemorate such day then by asking him to marry me? "Here you go, I think he's hungry," I gave Preston over to him so he could feed him and at the same time see what was written on the onesie. He smiled as he took him and got him comfortable in his arms before he lifted his shirt exposing his chest. It's a magical thing to see how his body had changed to accommodate to his new role as mother. Doctor Mel said that he'll start producing milk as soon as Preston began sucking in his nipple. And true to her words, Jessie began producing milk as soon as he had Preston latched onto his chest.

The box in my pocket has never felt heavy as it did in that moment while Jessie fed our son. I felt as if my heart was going to burst out of my chest the longer I waited for him to notice the new attire our son wore.

"Are you alright?" I blinked at Jessie's words and nodded with a smile,

"Yeah, why?" I asked and he raised a brow

"I don't know maybe because you've been staring at me for the longest time without saying a word?" He teased with a smile

"Can ti hasn't stare at my mate and mother of my child without having a reason?" I countered and he rolled his eyes before handing his head

"You're such a creep," he chuckled making me grin, "but yes, you can."

"Good, because I don't plan on stopping." I stated and he chuckled

"And that's why I love you," he stated and I grinned

"I love you too," I replied leaning over to give him a kiss that he was quick to return, "Doctor Mel should be coming in soon with those discharge forms."

"Good, because I don't want to be here any longer." He stated before adding, "why did you wrap him up in his blanket when it's hot as balls?" He then began to unwrap him before he paused a he took in the onesie that our son wore. "Princeton," he whistled before looking up at me with watery eyes and I was already down in one knee in front of him making him gasp.

"Jessie, I'm asking you to marry me, not only because I know that we're made for each other, but more importantly because I know that I cannot live a single day of my life without you being by my side. So will you make me the happiest in the world and marry me?" I held the velvet box containing the ring open for him and he nodded as tears rolled down his face and I smiled taking the ring out and placing it on his finger. "I love you."

"I love you," he murmured as our lips touched in a gentle kiss with our boy in the middle. "How long have you been planning this?"

"Ever since I met you," I replied honestly and he raised his brows in surprise making me chuckle as I rubbed the back of my neck. "I've had a crush on you since I first met you when Bella brought you over after school in middle school,"

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" He asked and I gave him a small smile pressing a kiss to his forehead

"Because I was stupid and scared to get rejected. Plus we're three years apart and you were still in middle school while I was in high school. But I do wish I had spoken up sooner so we didn't have to wait this long to be together. I'm sorry for that." He shook his head with a smile as he cupped my cheek.

"What matters now is that we're together and we have five wonderful children we get to watch grow into their own person." He said and I couldn't agree more.


A few days after both Preston and Jessie were home, things had gone back to somewhat normal. Both Jenna and Jericho were back in school while Josh and Julianna were home with Jessie and I. Josh had finished school a week ago. The older ones still had three more days of school left before they're out for the summer. I was at a meeting with the triplets and Zeb when I got a call from Jessie.

It was a call no parent should ever have to get.

It was a call that has my heart stopping in my chest.

"It's Jericho," was all he said before I was running out of the office and down the hall and out the house. I got in my car and practically spend down the road towards the hospital where Jericho was rushed to.

"What happened?" I asked

"He fainted in class," he replied, his voice cracking. I knew how hard this was for him as each of the kids had a birth defect due to their mother being an alcoholic and drug addict.

"What class was he in?" I asked

"Arts," he replied with a sniffle

"Okay," I answered, as I turned onto the parking lot and parked the car, "I'll be there soon."

"Okay," he replied before I ended the call and got out of the car before making my way towards the entrance of Hôpital Jeffery Hale.

"Hi, welcome to Hôpital Jeffery Hale," the nurse at the front desk greeted me

"Hi, yes, I'm here to see Jericho SaintClaire," I said and she nodded typing on her keyboard

"Relationship to the patient?" She asked

"He's my son," I replied and she nodded

"He's on floor five room 343" she replied before giving me a visitor's sticker that I put on my shirt before making my way towards the elevator.

"How is he?" I asked once I reached the flor and met Jessie on the waiting room. He looked stressed and disheveled with his hair messy as if he's been running his fingers through it the entire time he's been here which wasn't long as he arrived here when he called me half an hour ago.

"They haven't said anything yet." He replied and I nodded pulling him into my arms knowing he was going to have a breakdown which he did a second his arms wrapped around me. "I can't lose him, Princeton, I can't."

"And you won't, I swear." I murmured holding him in my arms as he cried. "I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure that you don't lose him."

I held him as we waited for the doctor to come and tell us what Jericho's prognosis was. Whatever it takes to make sure Jericho survives, I'll do it, even if means giving my life up just so he lives, then so be it because the last thing I want is for Jessie to lose his brother/son after everything they've been through since they were kids.

"He'll be okay,"

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