20. Princeton

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"Je-Jessie," Kayden whispered as he and Jessie locked eyes with my mate tensing up at the sound of his voice. Kayden looked as if he were seconds away from falling to his knees and begging Jessie to forgive him while Jessie looked as if he wanted to be anywhere but here. Here being the yard with my parents and grandparents watching.

"I-I'm so sorry, so sorry Jessie," Kayden whimpered as he fell to his knees crying tears streaming down his tanned face. Jessie gulped and looked away from Kayden. I reached over and laced our fingers together and giving our laced fingers a light squeeze. Moments like these I wished we were mated so I could communicate with him through our mate link. But alas, we were still in the getting to know each other stage but Gunnolf was already impatient with me and wanted to take the reigns and mate with Jessie.

>We need to complete the bond, Human< Gunnolf snarled in my head and I rolled my eyes

>I know, believe me< I replied as I watched Kayden being escorted to an awaiting SUV van by Zabdiel and Hadrian. >Jessie needs to be ready to complete the bond, Gunnolf, so we need to be patient and give him time< I added and he huffed before pouting like a pup because he knew I was right. As much as I wanted to take Jessie to my room and mate with him, I don't want to force Jessie to do something he wasn't yet ready for.

"Mama!" A baby's voice squealed when Jessie and I entered the house again and Jessie smiled upon seeing Julianna in her playpen with Josh and Jenna sitting beside it at a little table with Lucian and Cassie. "Dada!"

I blinked at that, as well as Jessie. He was just as surprised as I was with her calling me Dada as she never had before. But Gunnolf yipped in my head in excitement at being called Dada by the small human pup. He and I both had already declared Jessie's siblings as our pups from day one when we met them.

"Mama! Dada!" She babbled as she bounced in the playpen and that broke our state of shock as Jessie walked towards her and picked her up giving the raspberry kisses that caused her to erupt in a fit of giggles. I felt my heart swell even more at the sight of my mate and pup together.

"Big brother!" Lucia and Cassie exclaimed when they saw me making me chuckle, "come look" they waved me over to the little corner where they were coloring with Jessie's younger siblings.

"Hey bud, little lady," I greeted Josh and Jenna who beamed, "what are you four doing?"

"Coloring," They replied in unison though Josh's voice was soft as a whisper.

"Oh wow," I said looking at the picture they were working on. The picture was full of circles, squiggly lines, and stick figures but I could somewhat tell what they were, I didn't want to make a wrong guess so I asked, "who are these?"

"You and Mama," he whispered as he pointed at the stick figures that were supposed to be Jessie and me, "and these are J, Jenna, Jules, and me," he then showed me the rest of the stick figures making me smile, "and this here is Papa Gunnolf." I looked at the white blob with black circles as eyes and nose that was supposed to be my wolf.

Papa Gunnolf?

"Papa Gunnolf?" I asked my unspoken question and Josh nodded.

"Yes,because you're Dada Princeton and he's Papa Gunnolf. You can't both be Papa."

I felt my heart swell at his explanation and felt my throat clog as my eyes stung. None of Jessie's siblings had ever called me Papa or Dada so hearing not one but two of the youngsters call me Dada was overwhelming.

"Yeah, Dada, you're not allowed to be both," Jenna added with a cute little frown, "That would be mean."

I chuckled with a sniffle at hearing her say that and shook my head and cleared my throat before saying, "I suppose you're right."

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