22. Princeton

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After showing Jessie and his siblings the house, I decided to prepare dinner as it was already a quarter to 8 and it was nearing Josh and Jenna's bedtime. Julianna had already gone down an hour ago after Jessie had bathed her and fed her a bottle.

"Alright, so what would you guys like to eat?" I asked looking into the fridge, "we've got pasta, chicken, steak," I also looked in the freezer in case mama had left some frozen foods for us, "we also have burgers, nuggets, fries, um, frozen veggies."

I turned to look at the four of them and raised a brow waiting for them to reply with what thresh wanted for dinner.

"Can we have nuggets, Dada?" Josh asked my heart still doing summersaults in my chest at hearing him, Jenna, and Julianna calling me that.

"Is that okay with the rest of you?" I asked and they nodded in agreement so I grabbed the bag of nuggets and placed it on the counter before grabbing the air fryer from the pantry closet and connecting it to the outlet. I filled the fryer with the nuggets then closed it and put a timer on.

"Alright, while that cooks why don't you go change into your pjs?"

"Okay," Jenna nodded before jumping off the stool and running to the room she'll be staying in while we're here. Jericho shrugged and posted that he already changed into a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt. Jessie picked Josh from his chair before carrying him off to get him changed. He was already dressed in a pair of sweatpants as well as one of my shirts and fuck did he look delicious wearing my clothes.

"Are you and Jessie going to complete the mate bond?" I choked on my saliva at Jericho's question and began coughing and he watched with wide eyes as I coughed trying to get my breathing back under control.

"W-what?" I asked and he blinked before rolling his eyes, "and don't roll your eyes."

"Sorry," he murmured before sighing, "I figured that's why you decided on taking this trip but what I don't get is why you brought us with you if that's what you're going to do."

"Even if Jessie and I decide to complete our mate bond that doesn't mean that we didn't want to have you guys here with us. Like I said before, I want you all to forget about the events of the past few weeks." I said once I could talk again. "I was the one who decided to bring you without Jessie knowing. I want to spend time together with you all as a family. The six of us."

He bit his bottom lip but before he could reply the timer on the air fryer went off just as Jenna, Josh and Jessie returned both dressed in their pj's. Josh had his favorite pjs on which happen to be Spider-Man while Jenna had a pair of pastel pants with a matching shirt with a unicorn in the center. Her hair was also pulled back into a mermaid braid.

"Just on time," I said removing the fry basket out before dishing out the nuggets making sure everyone had enough before tossing some fries into the basket and putting it back into the compartment and setting a timer again.



"Apple juice!"



All four replied in unison making me shake my head with a chuckle while also grabbing the drinks mentioned. The timer went off and I grabbed the basket and distributed the fries onto each plate.

"Dig in,"


"Finally alone time." Jessie murmured as he stalked towards me as I lay in bed and I raised a brow

"All three are in their rooms asleep aside from Jericho who's most likely on his phone," he said as he pulled his shirt off over his head and tossed it somewhere in the room.

My Mate.....The Human (new version)Where stories live. Discover now