9. Jessie

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Nothing could have prepared me to be shot at. It had all happened so fast that I didn't even have time to think. All I could do was an act and get my siblings to a safe place where they wouldn't be caught in the crossfire. I held Josh and Julianna close to me as Jericho held Jenna. I don't know how long we had been sitting like that when I heard a growl from outside and the gunfire stopped.

The male who had been yelling suddenly stopped, I handed Julianna and Josh to Jericho making him look up at me with wide eyes. I held a finger to my lips, "I'll be right back,"


"Don't move no matter what," I ordered and I knew he wanted to argue but instead nodded his head, "I will be right back, I promise."

With one final look at them, I slowly made my way toward the front door. The entire house was filled with bullets. Sun was sunshine through them as I walked down the hall avoiding the window in case they saw me and deiced to start the shooting again.

I peeked through one of the holes to see Princeton's wolf having a stand-down with one of the men that had been shooting at us.

He snarled getting in a defenses stance with his chest on the ground and tail in the air with his ears pinned down to his head.

"Another monster that needs to be executed," the male said as he held his gun towards Princeton making me breathe hitch in my throat as my heart began to race in my chest. Was that man really about to shoot him? Princeton, or better yet Gunnolf as he had told me was the name of his wolf when he told me all about him, snarled while his enemy laughed and the others standing behind snickered "break down the damn door and kill every single one of those monsters inside."

That's when it dawned on me, these men were hunters. People that killed werewolves and anything that wasn't the norm. I've read and heard about them from Princeton's family. They were inhuman beings that didn't care that they were killing people. So what if they changed into wolves? What right did they have to kill someone that didn't do anything to them? Princeton and his pack weren't dangerous. They didn't go around killing humans as hunters did.

My train of thought was interrupted as the sound of gunfire began once more. I ran for cover as bullets rained down once more at the house.

And if they were here and shooting at the house then it meant that these people think that my siblings and I were werewolves as well. I doubt they'd listen if I were to come out and tell them that we weren't wolves but mere humans that ran with them. Would they even listen to anything I had to say? I came back to earth as I realized that the gunfire had stopped and I slowly inched back to look through the small hole in the wall.

Princeton had jumped the hunter causing him to drop his weapon and it went skidding across the yard and away from his reach. Princeton/Gunnolf snarled in his face and the male screamed and cursed as he tried to get the giant wolf off of him.

"Get off me you fucking monster!" He screamed as all the wolf did was snap his jaw in his face, drool drenching his face, the gunfire had seized the moment he had knocked their leader down. They all just looked, not knowing what to do, "shoot him! Fucking shoot him!"

I saw more and more of the pack emerge through the woods as Princeton and the leader fought for dominance. The other hunters screamed as familiar wolves took them out one by one. I didn't even think and before I realized what I was doing, I ran into the madness of the fight yelling his name as I watched Princeton fall to the side as the leader stabbed him in the side. The hunter didn't even have time to rejoice in his victory as Luca killed him by ripping his head off and tossing it aside making the headless body fall to the ground as its head rolled to a stop near the dead bodies of his team.

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