14. Princeton

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"Alright, you guys ready?" I asked as I met up with Jessie and his siblings in the lobby.

"Yes!" The younger ones cheered making Bella, Jessie, Jericho and I chuckle at their enthusiasm.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked as I ushered them out carrying Lucian while Bella picked Cassie up and Jericho took Josh and Jenna by the hand while Jessie carried Julianna.

Once all the little ones had been strapped into their rightful car seats, Bella and Jericho sat on the very back of the SUV while Jessie took the passenger's seat as I turned the car on.

"Before we go, do you all have everything?" I asked looking at the other two teens in the car.

"Yes," they replied and I nodded before turning to Jessie who nodded.

"Yes, I tripled checked," he replied with a chuckle and I nodded before reversing the car from its parking space beside my motorcycle and driving out of the long freaking driveway towards the main road that would lead to the aquarium.

The drive to the aquarium was silent aside from the soft hum of the radio softly playing New Rules by Dua Lipa. I looked over my seat to see the older kids all have their headphones in and I rolled my eyes. The younger ones were watching some movie on the small screen at the back of the seats and I smiled at their giggles.

"So I was thinking that we can go out to get dinner afterward," I said looking over at Jessie who raised a brow.

"With all six kids?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Why not?" I asked looking over to him to see him already looking at me, "what?"

"You're insane," he replied making me chuckle.

"It won't be the first time I go out with a bunch of little kids and older kids, Jessie," I said.

"I used to take some of the pack children out before I moved to Texas to study," I replied and his eyes grew.

"Didn't they like to make a big scene if they didn't get what they wanted?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nah, they were all well-behaved and I'm sure your siblings and mine will be as well," I stated and he sighed and agreed.

After another 30 minutes of driving, I pulled into the nearly empty parking lot of the aquarium and turned the engine off alerting the little ones and both Jericho and Bella that we had arrived. We got out and took the younger kids out first and put them in a three-person stroller before grabbing the diaper bags and putting them in the small pouch under it. The older kids soon got out and stood beside us before we all headed to the entrance with Princeton locking the doors as we walked away.

"Hi, we-Princeton?" The young girl asked with a flirtatious smile making me roll my eyes.

"Hi Samantha," I greeted her handing over my membership card and she scanned it before looking over at me.

"How many tickets?" She asked.

"He's with me," I said and she glanced at me with a cocked brow.

"He'll have to pay for the extra tickets Princeton," she said and I gave her a deadpanned look.

"It's a family membership card, Samantha," I stated and she clenched her jaw but didn't say anything as she nodded and we walked in.

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