41. Jessie

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Three days later, the yard was packed with wolves form both the Savage and King packs. It was amazing to see both packs working together for the same purpose, and that was to bring three babies back to their parents. The last time I saw the Savage pack had been when I went to give my condolences to Andrea, Tyson, Lykan and Valentina after their father, Benjamin, was killed in a rogue attack two years ago. Benny and Dimitri had also gone since Bennett was his adoptive brother/ cousin. It was a mess though, the former Luna, aka Benjamin's mother, Lilith was a total bitch to Bennett. Of course Bennett didn't let her words affect him as he said "I'm only here to give my condolences to my nieces and nephews." He and Dimitri gave each of the siblings a hug and told them that if they needed anything to no hesitate and reach out to them before turning to their mother Elena and doing the same. Lilith was a seething and fuming witch the entirety of the ceremony.

"Enough, Grandmother," Tyson eventually snapped as he stared at her with cold eyes that had her shrinking back in her chair, "I will not tolerate your disrespect towards my uncles."

When the ceremony had ended, Benjamin was buried in their pack cemetery. Wolves howled all over us, even those that belonged to the King pack howled their respects towards the Savage Pack on the loss of their alpha.

I watched as Alaska, Dakota—she decided to go by her middle name since both her grandmother and Benny's friend's name was also Alexa— and Princeton stood at the front of the crowd. I had decided to stay behind during this rescue mission since I've been spending little to no time with the kids and I didn't want them to think that I was neglecting them.

"Mama?" I looked away from the glass window and down at Josh and smiled.

"Yeah, love?" He held his arms up for me to pick him slip and I did and he wrapped his arms around my neck before resting his head on my shoddier. Ever since we were taken away from our mother all those months ago, Josh and begin taking therapy to help him with his learning and he's improved so much since then. He now speaks long sentences enough for us to understand him and what he needs.

"Tired?" I asked rubbing his back and  he nodded before yawning and I smiled pressing a kiss to his temple, "let's go back to bed then."

"Sweep mama and dada's bed," He mumbled and I hummed as I walked down the hall towards nine and Princeton's room. Josh feels more at ease when he's in our room for some reason but we don't mind it. I laid him down on the bed and he instantly crawled to Princeton's side of the bed and grabbed his pillow before he was out cold clutching the pillow. I bit my lips as a smile formed on my lips before pulling my phone out and snapping a photo of him and sending it to Princeton who is instantly texted back saying to give him extra kisses and cuddles from him. I shook my head before climbing to bed with him after checking on all four kids—Jenna and Julianna in the rooms across from ours, and Jericho is his down the hall and Preston in his crib in the corner of the room.

It didn't surprise me he was still with it only being 4 in the morning. He was always up this early and it was always to climb into bed with Princeton and I.

"He seeks comfort and protection," Luca had said when I told him that Josh always wants to be around Princeton and I more than then others do. "He feels safe with you both, you're his safe place that's why he is attached to the both of you more then the others are. They know you'll protect them so they don't seek you out unlike him," he added nodding to Josh who had fallen asleep holding my hand. "He needs to be in contact with you at all times."

"He was never like this though," I said and he nodded, "it was sudden that it had taken both Princeton and I by surprise." I said running my fingers from my free hand through his hair and Josh sighed  before cuddling closer to me.

"It's a natural behavior since he seeks comfort that he knows you both will give him," and how right he was. Josh, though nearing his fifth birthday, will cuddle anything and everything that either has mine or Princeton's scents much like he was doing now. I closed my eyes and instantly felt him turn and cuddle into me before sighing against my chest now clutching Princeton's discarded shirt. I smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead before letting sleep pull me under.


The bed dipped and I opened my eyes to see Princeton climbing in beside Josh.I blinked the sleep away before he pulled the covers over us being careful not to disturb Josh who was fast asleep between us before leaning over to press a kiss to my lips.

>go back to sleep< he said through the mind link as to not make a sound as it would wake the soon to be five year old up.

>you're back early, what time is it?< I asked as a yawn passed my lips. The room was still dark and the even twist the darkened curtains I could see that it was dark out.

>6< he replied and I nodded, >sleep<

I rolled my eyes but obeyed.

The next time I woke up was because a small hand gently patted my face. I groaned and scrunch's sky brows as the little hand patted my face again, "waky waky," Josh spoke as he poked my cheek and I blinked my eyes opened and peered up at him and he grinned, "hi mama," I smiled and stretched before sniffling into the warm blankets.

"Hi baby," I murmured and he beamed, eyes sparking with joy and I smiled. I sat up and ruffled his hair before throwing my legs over the she and getting off the bed before walking towards the bathroom with Josh trialing behind. I smiled and had him turn Aron's while k did my business before telling his it was okay for him to turn, I washed my hands before grabbing my toothbrush and the toothpaste and brushing my teeth. Once that was done, I washed my face before carrying Josh out of the bathroom and out the bedroom and down the hall towards the kitchen where I heard Princeton with the rest of the kids.

"Mama!" Julianna and Jenna cried out in joy when they saw me while Jericho gave me a small wave before going back to his bre-lunch. I blinked seeing that it was nearing 12. Princeton held a bubbly Preston as he ate. He smiled as I walked in and sat Josh Diane beside him.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked as I made a plate for myself since Josh was already eating from his  plate.

"Because you looked exhausted," Princeton replied and I raised a brow, "babe, you've been training 24/7 since you turned and I just wanted you to realize ras much as you can." I pursed my lips before sighing and nodding. I gave him a kiss on the cheek while saying thank you and he smiled and nodded.

"Are you going to train today too, mama?" Jenna asked tilting her head but I shook my head and she blinked in surprise which made me smile and reach over to tuck a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm going it be taking the next few weeks off," I said and her eyes widened into saucers at my announcement while Princeton raised a brow, "Nikias and I think it will be best to spend more time with the kids then training. And like you said, we've been teasing 24/7 since I turned and it's time that I put the kids first and spend as time as I can with them while I can." He nodded and took a sip of his juice before saying;

"You're right, and I agree. So as of the next two weeks, I'll be taking time off as well so I get to spend time with all of you."

"Really, Dada?" Josh asked with wide eyes as he looked up at Princeton who nodded with a smile that had one forming in the little boy's face as he turned back to his plate of pancakes and began eating again.

>You just made his day, you know?< I said to him through the mate link and Princeton looked at me with a bright smile 

>we both did<

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