46. Princeton

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"Happy birthday!" We all yelled as Papa bright Sara home from their daddy and me day at the aquarium. He had taken her to keep her occupied so we could decorate the pack house for the 11 year old who stared at the pack with wide eyes before a big grin covered  her face as her eyes brightened.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed as she rushed to our mother and hugged him around the waist in a tight hug.

"Anything for you baby," Mama said with a smile as he looked down at her with a smile before pressing a kiss to his forehead, happy birthday sweetie."

"Happy birthday, kid." I smiled when it was mine and my family's turn to wish her a happy birthday and she beamed hugging me.

"Thank you big brother," she beamed up at me before she hugged Jessie, Jericho and Jenna and given Josh, Preston and Julianna a kiss on the cheeks.

Once all that was gone and over with, we all migrated to the yard where my parents had gone out with a large bouncy house in one side, a water slide to the other and a bunch of teens and adults were in the pool across the yard. Music blared through speakers that were mounted on around the around and a stage with a Dj was on the left side of the yard.

A large table was set with all sorts of foods with Bo Dimi at a grill close by  making burgers, hotdogs and kebabs with vegetables, chicken and shrimp. The older kids were soon running off to the bouncy house and water slide to join the rest of the pack children.

"You really went out mama," I said as we sat on a picnic table and he grinned.

"Always do for my babies," he replied making me roll my eyes fondly because it was the absolute truth.

We sat in comfortable silence as we enjoyed the loud chatter around us with the kids laughing as they played. Josh, Julianna and Preston were the only ones that stayed with Jessie and I and my parents while Jenna and Jericho had gone off to play or join their friends somewhere on the yard.

"So have you thought about your wedding?" Mama asked suddenly making Jessie and I turn to him before shaking our heads and he raised a brow.

"A lot has been going since we got engaged," I said and he nodded, "but now that things have settled down for a bit, I'm sure we'll sit and talk."

"We will," Jessie said with a smile, "it feels like we've been putting our wedding off for so long."

"I'll be more than happy to help you," Mama said and papa rolled his eyes from beside him making me chuckle and shake my head while Jessie smiled.

"That would be wonderful," my fiancée and mate replied with a smile making Mama beam.

Goddess, I can already tell those two will be a force to be reckoned with when it came down to wedding planning but I was happy that Jessie had someone those would help him.

Two hours after the party began, mama called the children and pack to gather around to sing to Sara. We gathered around the birthday girl who was drenched in water and shivering. Papa threw a towel over her shockers to warm her up. Jessie had given both Jericho and Jenna a chance of clothes when they deemed themselves done with playing with the water.

"Happy birthday to you!" We sang and she was grinning so much that I was afraid her face will be hurting from it. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Sara, happy birthday to you!!!!"

We clapped and cheered as she bent down and blew all 11 candles littering the Moana cake.

Once the candles were out and the cake was cut into enough pieces for everyone, mama and papa began to distribute the cake to everyone.Jessie and I helped Josh and Julianna to eat the cake while Jenna and Jericho practically devoured the cake. Preston was fast asleep in his car seat once Jessie had fed him. 

"Time for presents!" Sara exclaimed once everyone had eaten their fill of the cake and we chuckled at her excitement but watched as papa and mama brought the countless presents over to where she sat and placed the gifts on each side of her as well as in front. She began to open one by one and exclaimed her excitement with each.

The party soon came to an end and one by one pack members and Sara's school mates began to trickle away to their respective homes for the night. Jessie and I were the last ones to leave since we offered to help clean up after the guests.

By the time we headed home, all four you of our younger children were knocked out with Jericho trying to keep his eyes open.

"Alright we're home," I said as we pulled into our driveway. Jericho managed to keep his eyes open to help carry Josh inside while I carried Jenna and Julianna while Jessie carried Preston.

"Today was fun," Jessie  said and I nodded with a smile once we had placed the kids in their respective beds and rooms before climbing into our bed and under the covers.

"The kids had fun," I said and he hummed as he laid down with me following close by before pulling him into my arms and pressing a kiss to his forehead as he sighed with closed eyes.

"They sure did." He muttered but didn't say anything else as his breathing evened out as he fell asleep with me close behind.


Three weeks after Sara's birthday, Jessie and Mama were sitting in the living room with countless of books scattered around them with each discussing wedding preparations. They did ask for my input with a few things but for the most part they worked together on it. With the older kids at school, Papa had taken it upon himself to keep watch of Josh, and Julianna to the pack house to play with the kids there while Preston stayed with Jessie.

"Alright, I'm heading out."I said and they looked up before nodding, "link me if you need me."

"Will do," mama said turning back to the planner before him while Jessie smiled,I leaned down and pecked him in the lips.

"Careful," Jessie said and I nodded before leaving the house. I was paroling today with Apollo and Zabdiel before training a few  of the few omegas and their mates that joined the pack after being rescued from their rogue alpha three months.

I shifted as soon as I exited the house and ran in the direction of the pack house.

>nice of you to join us< Zabdiel said when I met up with him and Apollo.

>I was helping Jessie and Mama with the wedding< I replied rolling my eyes and they gave me a nod before we ran towards the south boarder of the pack.

We haven't seen any rogues or gotten any threats in the past three months but we were still on high alert in case things went to hell.

>crazy you're finally getting hitched< Apollo said as we lifted our noses into the air to smell any unfamiliar scents.

>same here< I replied as my head tilted and my ear twitched at the sounds around us. >we've been postponing this for far too long<

>I was staring to think you guys weren't getting married<

>we would have gotten married sooner but shit hit the fan before we could sit down and discuss the wedding <I said as I sat on my hunches and they did the same.

>I hear ya < Zab said and then we just sat in silence listening to all the sounds around us.

Before I knew it, our replacements came to relieve us and we ran towards the paid house where the omegas and their mates were already waiting with Alaska and Alexa.

"Get ready," Alaska said as we joined them, "these three will be your trainers today."

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