2. Princeton

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"Come on, Princeton, we're going to be late," an unfamiliar yet at the same time familiar voice said making me furrow my brows. I was standing in the middle of my parents living room. The sun was shining brightly outside and I could hear loud laughter and chatter coming from the back of the yard. A soft hand took hold of mine and those familiar tingles ran up and down my arm. I looked down at the owner of the hand and couldn't see his features which only confused me even more.

"Who are you?" I heard myself ask the boy making him tilt his head and it only infuriated me more as I couldn't tell what emotions he showed.

"Did you hit your head that hard while training with Apollo that you don't remember your mate?" He asked making me blink.

"What's going on? I thought you were getting Princeton?" Mama's voice said from the doorway and I could see his features and I could see the way he was looking at the boy and me.

"Your son here doesn't remember me," the boy said making Mama blink in confusion before sighing, "I think he's hit his head one too many times during training"

"I agree with you on that one J-" and just as the name was about to be revealed, I'm jolted awake by the blaring of my alarm and I groaned. This has been happening a lot these past couple of months. Every night I dream the same thing. Me in the living room of my parents' house, laughter and chatter in the backyard, a strange boy standing beside me, and Mama always coming in to investigate what's taking us so long to go outside and when the name is about to be said I wake up. All I know is that the boy's name starts with J and that's all. Nothing more.

Nothing else can give me away who this stranger could be. All I know is that he's my mate and that he has a soft voice that has my heart racing in my chest and Gunnolf, my wolf, whining and pacing in my head every morning after that dream.

Sitting up, I rested my arm on my propped knee and ran my other hand through my hair. Three months. That's the exact length of time that these reoccurring dreams have been plaguing my mind.

Three years ago I made the hardest decision I have ever made and that left Canada the only home I've known to study in Texas and though I have enjoyed it here, it doesn't change the fact that I miss home. I miss my siblings, and my parents, and better yet I miss my entire family.

It's been far too long and it's time to go home.

>Can't wait to see the little one's faces when they see us< Gunnolf said and I smiled. I can already picture Sara and the twins' looks of excitement upon seeing me for the first time in 3 years.

And like I said, I had hoped that by leaving home, I'd find my mate in the States but turns out that no one here had my wolf going crazy like mama had said would happen once we find our mate.

A knock on the door of my apartment brought me out of my thoughts and I raised a brow as I had not been expecting anyone. Especially now considering I'm going to be leaving soon. I climbed out of bed and walked out of my room and down the hall of my two-bedroom apartment before looking at the visitor through the peephole and closing my eyes.

>Does he not get that you're not interested?< Gunnolf asked in my head

>I guess not seeing as he's outside our door< I replied to him

>Don't open the door. We have to get ready if we plan to get to Canada before morning tomorrow< he said and I nodded before turning on my heel and walking back in the direction of my room, thankful that my floors didn't creek under my weight or else it would have alerted the uninvited guest that I was home.  

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