37. Jessie

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It's been a week since I was turned and in that week I've learned so much. From hunting to fighting to tracking. It was crazy how much I learned that week. Even more so the fact that my wolf was unique only made things more complicated as there will be packs that want to destroy the King pack because of it.

"Your wolf," Caleb said as we sat in Alaska's office and I bit my cheek, "according to legend is a powerful wolf with abilities that are unmatched by us or hunters."

"What type of abilities?" I asked shocked and he looked down at the book in his hands.

"The power to see the future, telekinesis, duplication, and echolocation." I blinked at the information Caleb read from the book, "But those are the previous reincarnations of Nikini's powers. We won't know what type of power you possess until you are trained. Perhaps you may have acquired those same abilities plus more."

"Which brings us to this meeting," Alaska said making me furrow my brows, but she gave a reassuring, "My grandparents know a warlock that has lived among the wolves for centuries and he's witnessed many of them learn abilities like those of Nikini."

>It has been so long since I last since a warlock< Nikini said in my head making me jump. I was still getting accustomed to hearing another voice in my mind that didn't belong to those of the pack or Princeton. >I'm sorry for starling you, Jessie<

> No need to apologize, I'm still getting used to hearing you in my head< I replied and he nodded giving me an understanding look

"What's the warlock's name?" I asked.

"My name is Argus," an unfamiliar voice said from behind and I turned to see a male of about 6'10 with a black cloak with its hood down showing me green dragon eyes. He was handsome, to say the least. He had tan-colored skin covered in tattoos.

>Argus< Nikini whispered in my head shock evident in his voice "It's been far too long, brother." I heard myself say though it was Nikini who spoke as he had pushed forward and I was now looking at the scene before me through his eyes. The warlock stared at me, at Nikini, with wide eyes.

"Nikini." The male said as he strode towards me and engulfed me into a bear hug as hugged me against him. I could hear Princeton growl nearby, "Down pup."

"Who are you calling pup?"Princeton growled

"Do not growl at me, for I can have you on your stomach begging for mercy,"

"You will not touch my mate, Argus," I warned and he tilted his head before nodding.

"You two know each other thence I'm guessing?" Alaska asked and I felt myself nod along with Argus.

"Do give your human back control, Nikini," Argus said and Nikini huffed through my lips before closing his eyes and pushing me back. I blinked and looked at the group, "you are the only one who's been able to control him since his last reincarnation."

I bit my lip and looked up at him, "He called you brother when he had confirmed for a few moments," Princeton said and Argus nodded, "how?"

"We had the same mother but different fathers." Argus replied, "We were brig born with powers but unlike me, Nikini took after his father who was a werewolf while mine was dragon warlock. Hence my markings and eyes."

"You must know Lucius then," Princeton said and he nodded, "I thought he would be coming since he was summoned."

"He's here, he's just outside the door." And as of being called, the door opened, and in walked the same man I saw months ago when we were attacked by Michael, some guy who was obsessed with Princeton. His yellow cat eyes scanned the room before landing on me. He took me by surprise as he got down on one knee and bowed his head. I blinked and looked at the others who we ensue as confused and shocked as I was.

"Nikini has been known as the guardian and ruler of our kind for generations," Lucius said as he got to his feet to stand beside Argus. He was taller than said mama at 7 feet with lean muscle and black hair. He too was covered in tattoos.

"Nikini was born half wolf and half warlock." Argus said, "He's the powerful being in existence and if word got out that he's been reborn, there will be war and there will be packs and hunters alike coming to find him and force him to do their bidding and that is to destroy humans and underlings alike." I swallowed the lump in my theist as Nikini paced in my head growling.

>Let them try and kill my pack, I'll have their blood in my hands before they touch them< he snarled and I felt my eyes change color making both the wolves and warlocks in the room fall to their knees. I blinked and shook my head.

"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered and Princeton pulled me a giant him, rubbing my back as he whirled soothing words into my ear. "I don't mean to do that."

"We know."


"You need to concentrate, Jessie," Argus said for the hundredth time since we started training.

"I am," I replied as I felt sweat roll down my forehead and stick my shirt to my body. He's been helping me try to bring forth my 'abilities' as he has said earlier in Alaska's office.

"Try harder," he replied as he stood there with his arms crossed and a glare on his face, "because from what I've been seeing, you'll be dead before you say stop." I clenched my jaw. "True harder or else your family and this pack will be destroyed in seconds. You and Nikini are the only ones that protect them, Jessie."

I closed my eyes and concentrated and willed that spark I felt earlier to come forward and I could feel Princeton's uneasiness form where he stood with his parents across the yard away from Argus and me.

"If you don't want your mate and children dead, concentrate," Argus said. I clenched my eyes shut as I fisted my hands and I could feel my nails digging into my skin as blood began to trickle down my arm since I held them up trying and failing to get that light to come to the surface.

"I can't," I said as I let my arms drop and fell to the ground panting. Argus stood over me, like a tower shielding me from the sun.

>It will come to you, little by little, human< Nikini said in my head and I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked up when Argus's figure vanished only to get to my feet when he held Julianna, and I sneered. I felt a growl leave my lips as he held her and the little girl just looked up at him confused. Princeton growled from across the yard but his parents held him whine Lucius held a hand up stopping him.

"This is how easy it is to get rid of a child," Argus said as he held a sharp claw to Julianna's neck I felt a sizzling bubble erupt within me and before I could even comprehend what I was doing, I lifted my hand and fire shot through my hand at the same time as I felt my body duplicate and rush to catch Julianna before she fell to the ground as she wailed. Argus hit the tree behind him with a loud crack. I stood above him and sneered as I held a sharp object in my hand and held it to his neck.

"Never, threaten my children, Argus, for I will have your head on a stake." I growled and knew Nikini was at the forefront, "If taking my daughter was your way of getting a reaction from me, you've won." He stared up at me with wide eyes before tilting his head to the side in submission, "Do not try to force me to bring my power to the forefront again by threatening my pack and my family."

"'My apologies, Nikini."

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