27. Jessie

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*time skip*

It's been three months since Princeton and I learned we were expecting a baby and it's been the most tiring, exhausting, and annoying three months ever. I mean don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I'm carrying mine and Princeton's baby, but like I said it's been tough. I've been having morning sicknesses every day. I can't eat my favorite foods because the baby doesn't like them—which freaking sucks. I feel bloated, my feet hurt all the time and I seem to always be going to the bathroom more times than usual. Anyway, today was no exception.

"Ugh," I grumbled as I leaned against Princeton once I and thrown up this morning's breakfast. "I hate this."

"I know but you only gotta deal with it for another two months," he said as he rubbed my back. That's right. Male pregnancies only lasted five months, unlike female pregnancies that lasted nine excluding werewolf females whose pregnancies lasted 6.

"I can't wait," I muttered before standing up to brush my teeth while he chuckled and kissed my temple.

"Come on, the kids are probably going to be wondering where we are," he said and I nodded and followed after him once I was done.

Princeton and I had begun the process of adopting my four younger siblings and when we gave them the news and they were extremely excited, especially Josh who had begun crying. I can remember the day we told them. We had gone to the aquarium before going to get ice cream and we decided to tell them.

"We have a question for you," I had begun making Jericho and Jenna look up while Josh and Julianna—both being younger and not caring—were in their world. "What would you say if we told you that Princeton and I wanted to adopt you?"

"Really?" Jenna asked with wide eyes and I exchanged looks with Princeton who smiled and nodded.

"Yes, we talked and we decided on wanting to adopt you," He replied which made Jenna's eyes instantly fill with tears before she was pushing away from her chair and walked over to both of us and hugging us.

That was enough to tell us that she was happy with the news. Jericho was smiling and also had tears in his eyes but he'll tell you it was allergies.

"How long have you guys been thinking of this?" He asked clearing his throat.

"I've been thinking about it for a while but I mentioned it to Princeton last night and he wants to adopt as well," I replied and he nodded.

"Having two parents will be cool," he said with a grin making me smile and look down at Jenna who had calmed down. Josh sat with his head tilted in confusion as to asking why his sister was crying and I smiled.

"She's okay," I assured the small boy who frowned but nodded and went back to eating his ice cream.

"I can finally say I have two parents," she said with a wide grin tears staining her cheeks before she reached up and gave Princeton and me a kiss on the cheeks before going back to her seat next to Jericho and Josh.

"MAMA!" I blinked at the sound of Jenna's voice to see her standing in front of me with her hands on her hips and a frown etched on her face making me raise a brow. When did we get downstairs?

"Yes?" I asked and she huffed. Jericho and Princeton chuckled while Josh and Julianna were playing behind them with Lucian and Cassie.

"You're doing it again," she whined.

"Doing what exactly?" I asked the sassy girl before me.

"Going to space," she replied making me blink.

"Alright, sassy girl," Princeton said walking over to us and kissing me on the cheek while Jenna poured crossing her arms, "Give your Mama a break he's been tired and has been feeling sick."

"Again?" Jericho asked with a frown, "aren't those morning sickness symptoms supposed to be gone by now?"

"I wish," I sighed rubbing my bump, "but Doctor Mel said that morning sickness could last for another week or so before the baby arrives."

"That sucks," he said making me roll my eyes. Jenna once again called my name asking if we could go to the museum so, with a nod, all of us—Lucian and Cassie included—walked out of the house and towards the SUV parked in front of the house.


We kept the pregnancy a secret from the pack for a few weeks before Max was the one who asked if I was pregnant. I was confused as to why he would ask that and he replied with my scent had changed.

"You're scent is different. It used to smell like lavender but now it smells like roses mixed with honey," he explained when I asked what my scent smelt. Princeton and I exchanged glances at that before sighing and nodding my head.

From there on, we told the pack of the news, and to say they were happy was an understatement because they had thrown a big ass party at the news two days after we broke it. The entire yard has been filled with pack members as well as members from the Savage pack. It was insane.

"Our baby is going to be spoiled just like their siblings," Princeton had murmured as he stood beside me as we watched our friends play in the yard. The kids—Jericho, Josh, and Jenna—were in the pool with Bennett and Dimitri while Julianna had been napping in her stroller next to us.

"I can't argue with that."

"Jessie?" I blinked and looked toward the noise and saw Princeton frowning, "are you alright? You've been spacing out a lot lately."

"Yes, I was just thinking about how a lot has changed these three months." I said and he nodded with a smile, "now what is it that you were saying when I was in La La land?" He rolled his eyes at my choice of words.

"Just asked what you wanted for dinner."

"Peanut butter and banana sandwich with blueberry pancakes," I replied making him raise a brow but he didn't say anything instead just shook his head and went to the kitchen to prepare what I asked making me grin.

"Mama, can I have pancakes too?" Jenna asked.

"Me too?" Josh quizzed with wide eyes standing in front of me and though I wanted to say no because they won't sleep due to the sugar I nodded. Tomorrow was Saturday so they could sleep in a few extra hours tomorrow.

"Pancakes for dinner it is," Princeton said from the kitchen making the two beam as they sat beside me with Josh putting his hand on my bump.

My life was finally turning out the way I had always hoped for and I couldn't wait to see how it ends. I was completely and irrevocably excited for my future with my mate and children.

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