30. Princeton

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That's what the doctor said.

That was three hours ago. Three hours since I sat on this uncomfortable chair waiting for Jessie to wake up. He's been unconscious since Doctor Mel gave us the news. He had been fine up until that six-letter word left her mouth. The only indication that he was alive was the rise and fall of his chest and the constant beating of the heart monitor beside him.

"Prince?" A voice whispered and I looked up to see my parents at the door I felt my eyes sting as my throat closed. Mama was the first to reach me as he quickly pulled me into his arms. And for this moment I felt like that four-year-old little boy that needed his mother's comfort. I closed my eyes and held him tight just as I felt a pair of stronger arms around us both—Papa.

"I can't lose him," I whimpered into Mama's neck as he held me tightly, pressing kisses to my temple.

"And you won't." He said, "Doctor Mel is going to the everything in her power to make sure he's okay. And if that doesn't work then we'll figure something out, but for none, you need to be strong not just for him but for the kids as well."  He cupped my face and looked into my eyes as he wiped the tears away, "we will get through this together as a family. You and he and the kids are not alone. We are here and we will fight this together. All of us."

I swallowed the lump in my throat as Gunnolf whimpered in my head. Something he's been doing a lot more after hearing the news.

"What did Doctor Mel say?" Papa asked as we moved away from the bed to not wake Jessie up. I sighed and rubbed my face before running my fingers through my hair.

"That she wants to do more tests to see if Jessie's cancer is benign or not," I said after taking a shuttering breath and they nodded. I had called them after the news and to say they were shocked would be an understatement and though they wanted to come to see Jessie, I told them that he was asleep and had been since we learned of cancer.

We didn't talk after that and just sat there in the infirmary room watching Jessie as he slept. That is until Papa stood up and nodded his head at me motioning towards the door but I shook my head.

"We won't be gone for long," he said as he began walking towards the door. I bit my lip but a small voice I would know anywhere spoke up.

"Go, you've been cooped in here all day," I think I heard my neck crack with how fast I snapped my head up to look at the bed. Jessie was looking straight at me and I blinked my eyes hoping that I wasn't seeing things but when he raised a brow I rushed to his bedside and began peppering kisses all over his face which earned me a fit of giggles from him.

"Stop, Princeton," he laughed as he tried to push me away, "

"No," I murmured as I looked down at him and he gave me a small smile as he cupped my face. I heard the door open and shut meaning that my parents had left us alone.

"I'm okay, Princeton." He said as he rubbed my cheek, "I must have been tired and shocked at the news that I fainted/ fell asleep."

"You've been out for three hours," I told him and he nodded, "I thought you weren't going to wake up,"

"But I did. Just because Doctor Mel said that I have cancer doesn't mean that I'm going to succumb to it so soon, Princeton." He said and I swallowed the lump in my throat at his words and he smiled before pulling me down by the neck and pressing his lips to mine, "I'm not going anywhere. Whatever Doctor Mel tells us when she gets the test results, I'm going to fight it and I will see our children grown and have a family of their own." I stared into his eyes but I could only see resolve and determination in them and so I nodded.

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