7. Jessie

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"Is Pwinceton your boyfwiend , big bwothew?" Josh asked making me choke on my bacon and Jericho passed me a glass of juice to help get it down.

"Wh-what?" I wheezed out after practically drinking the entire juice and Josh gave me an exasperated look.

"Is Princeton your boyfwiend?" He asked again making the rest of our siblings look in my direction.

"Jess?" Jericho's voice calling my name broke me out of my inner turmoil and looked up to see them looking at me expectantly, well aside from Jericho who only smiled, "are you going to answer Josh's question?"

"Um, well, uhh," I didn't know how to anger that question either. Was he or was he not? What does it even mean to be someone's mate? Did it make us a couple automatically or did it mean we need to know each other first before making it official? Ugh just thinking of these things was making my head hurt. "No, we're just friends," I decided to say in the end not knowing exactly what Princeton and I were. Josh frowned before shrugging and going back to eating his lucky charm cereal and I sighed.

And speaking of Princeton, we haven't had much time to get together and get to know each other with him getting back to beta business and me with school and caring for my younger siblings. Yeah we've texted here and there but it's usually always one or two words max such as good morning, how are you, and have a good day and then nothing after that.

I haven't even seen or spoken to Kayden since the whole missing incident when I learned that I was Princeton's mate. He hasn't even come over to apologize for what they did. And when I see him in school he always finds an excuse to get away from me or tries to avoid me at all costs which in truth was pissing me off. He needs to explain why he kissed me when he knew about my relation to Princeton even before I did. Princeton did tell me that the entire pack knew about us thanks to Marcus and Zeb, Princeton's friends and uncle.

"You're thinking too much," Jericho said bringing me back to earth and I realized that my younger siblings—aside from Julianna—were nowhere in sight making me raise a brow, "in the living room and from the toon, they're watching Digimon" I nodded and took Julianna from the high chair and gently wiped her face with a wet paper towel while Jericho cleared the table, "did Josh's question scare you?"


"Don't," he said making me look towards him, "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"That!" he exclaimed his outburst taking me by surprise, "pretending you don't know what we're talking about, or making up some stupid answer to justify our curiosity."

I blinked staring at him as he turned to me as had his back towards me, "Jer, I-"

"I know you're scared of opening your heart to love again, especially because of what he did to you and I doubt Princeton would ever do that to you considering you two are mates and all."

I looked at him and for the first time in years, I saw just how much my little brother had grown. He was no longer that shy, scared little boy anymore instead he was a carefree, happy, and open teenager who was more observant than I gave him credit.

"How did you know about Princeton and I being mates?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"It's hard not to know that, seeing as practically the whole pack spoke about it even before you two got to the house," he said and I shook my head, "you've been caring for us our entire lives, Jess, now it's time for someone that's not just us to care for you. Don't get me wrong we will always be here holding your hand but don't close yourself up to the possibility of finally finding the one person to make you feel like you are the only thing that matters in the world."

"When did you grow up?" I asked with a watery smile as tears rolled down my face and he chuckled wiping at his own eyes, Julianna had fallen asleep in my arms the entire time we were speaking, "one moment you were this 4-year-old little boy following me everywhere even if I was only 7 at the time and now here you are giving me love advice."

He only smiled and shrugged making me shake my head, "I'll take her and put her d-" the doorbell rang at that moment cutting him off and making me raise a brow, "were you waiting for someone?"

"No, were you?" I asked just as the sound of Jenna's voice greeting the guest reached us, the noise startled Julianna from her nap making her whimper and I rubbed her back to calm her before she began crying. Jericho and I walked into the main room to see Henna at the door with none other than Princeton himself., "Jenna Marie Rivers what have I told you about opening doors when Jericho and I aren't around?"

"Not to do it." She mumbled and I nodded.

"And what did you do?"

"Opened the door," she replied and I nodded, "but it's Princeton!" She added pointing at the male.

"Don't point," I chastised her, "and I see that but still, you are never to open the door unless one of us is around. What if it wasn't him at the door?"

"Why wouldn't it be him at the door though?" She asked tilting her head making me close my eyes and pray to the heavens to give me patience with my ten-year-old sister, "I saw him through the window when the bell rang and ran to open it."

"You shouldn't have opened the door even if it was me," Princeton said making her look up at him, "Jessie is right. What if it hadn't been me at the door and you opened it?"

"But I saw you through the window" she whined.

"There are many other creatures other than werewolves in this world, Jenna," He said making her frown, "creatures that are dangerous and can take up our form just to harm those we care deeply about,"

"I'm confused," Jenna grumbled making us chuckle.

"The point is, never open the door unless you have your older brothers with you, and if Jessie allows it me or my family," Princeton said looking at me which in turn had Jericho and Jenna look at me expectantly and I sighed before nodding which made him smile and damn him and that smile of his.

"Go watch Josh," I said to her and she pouted.

"I'll watch all three while you two talk," Jericho said taking Julianna out of my arms and gently pushing Jenna in the direction of the living room.

"Sorry about that," I said scratching the back of my neck but he shook his head with an understanding smile.

"Don't be, that's how I am with my siblings as well," he said and I nodded, "Uh, I'm sorry I haven't had time to spend time with you as I had hoped for."

"Don't be," I said with a smile, "duty calls, and I can't pull you away from that."

"Sorry for showing up unannounced by the way," he said and I shook my head, "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"It's okay, we were just finishing up breakfast," I replied and he nodded, "have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah," he replied but a second later his stomach grumbled making me raise a brow and he gave me a sheepish grin, "okay maybe I haven't eaten anything yet, and that's because I just finished my rounds of patrol."

"And you decided to stop by my house instead of going to yours to rest and eat?" I asked as he hummed nodding, "why?"

"I wanted to see you," he replied making my heart go boom in my chest at the simple reply and I bit the inside of my cheek before inviting him in.

"You're going to sleep as soon as you finish eating and I won't take no for an answer, got it?" I asked and he smiled nodding, "I'm glad you stopped by, by the way, I wanted to see you too."

an and so here is a new update for the new version hope you guys like and don't forget to vote/fan to let me know if you want me to continue to write new versions of the books or not so I can focus on my other books...hope you all have a nice night/day and that you're staying safe.



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