11. Jessie

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"So I heard Princeton is being let out of the infirmary today," Gavin said as we made our way out of our class once the bell rang and I nodded, "how are you holding up?" I blinked at the sudden change of conversation as we walked down the hall toward our locker.

"Good, just a bit worried about Josh and Jenna," I replied and he raised a brow as he looked over at me before going back to emptying his backpack of the books he won't need for the weekend and putting the ones he will.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"They've been waking up in the middle of the night screaming and crying," I replied with a sigh closing my locker once I gathered my books, "they keep having nightmares of the shooting."

"Poor kiddos," he replied, and I nodded.

"They have been sleeping with me since the shooting and I've been staying up all night letting them know that they were okay and that they were safe."

"Any kid would be traumatized after going through something like that at their age." He said and I couldn't agree more. We walked out of the building and stopped in our tracks when we saw the twins and Bella standing rigid at the foot of the steps. I furrowed my brows and followed their eyes and froze.

Not even 200 feet away was the one person I never thought I'd ever see again, Emmanuel Rodriguez. The man that I had once fallen in love with thinking that he would be my salvation from my abusive mother only for him to show his colors the moment I told him I was carrying his child. From what Luca and Benny had told me about mates and all that crap about supernatural beings was that only mates could get mates pregnant unless of course said humans had a relationship with someone of high power much as Emmanuel had been. He was the second in command of his former shifter pack and hence the reason he was able to knock me up only to kill his child weeks later.

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat as we walked outside. I spotted Jericho with a couple of his friends and he looked over when he heard the doors of the school closing behind us and walked over to us waving at his friends who waved back before walking away.

"Get behind me," Max said as Emmanuel began making his way toward us. The parking lot had emptied in seconds leaving just the six of us.

"Princeton should be here soon," Nick said as his back stiffened the closer Emmanuel got to us and I felt my heart beating in my chest as memories from two years ago began forming in my head.

"What are you doing here Emmanuel?" Gavin asked as he stood tall with arms crossed. He was raised in the pack when he was a baby after the alpha couple had found him in the middle of the woods. He defined a boy who runs with the wolves. He was as tough as a werewolf without the shifting. He could take you down before you can count to three. Emmanuel stopped in his tracks as he locked eyes with Gavin who was ready to throw punches but Max placed a hand on his shoulder as the sound of growling filled the air and in a blink of an eye, a familiar wolf flew through the trees landing only a few feet away from where we stood.

"Come on, let's get out of here while Princeton has him distracted," Bella said and we nodded before climbing in. All you could hear and see as Bella pulled out of the parking lot were growls and flashes of white, orange, and black as both males fought against each other to the death and I prayed to the gods above that Princeton made it out alive.

"Jessie," Jericho whispered, fear in his voice.

"It's going to be okay Jer," I murmured grabbing his hand in a tight grip as my heart hammered in my chest the further we got away from the fight between wolf and tiger.


It's been an hour since we arrived back at the packhouse and Princeton still hasn't arrived and I was beginning to get worried. I couldn't even concentrate on my paperwork because all I could think about was him getting injured again. I couldn't even face Luca and Caleb when we arrived because I didn't want them to hate me for putting their son in danger again. He just got out of the infirmary for crying out loud and he could be dead for all I know- the door opening and closing down the hall took me out of my thoughts as the sound of voices talking over each other. And then I heard that growl. That familiar growl that I knew all too well.

"Princeton," I whispered, and as if he heard my voice there was a knock on the door a second later and I swallowed the lump in my throat as I stood up from my desk and walked to the door before pulling it open. And there he stood, tall and proud as ever, with a few cuts and scratches here and there as an indication of his fight.

"Hey," he said with that dreamy smile of his that had my heart racing in my chest, "I'm sorry it took me this long to get back."

I shook my head and did something that surprised us both. I launched myself at him and it took him a moment to react as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm just glad you're okay," I whispered feeling my eyes burn, and fuck I didn't want to cry but damn it, I was relieved that he was okay.

We just stood there for a few moments more before pulling apart and he smiled wiping the tears that had escaped my eyes, "I will always be there to protect you, Jessie, even if costs me my life."

"Don't even say that," I mumbled and he smiled before pulling me back into his arms and pressing a kiss to the top of my head, "thank you."

"For what?" He asked and I pulled back to look up at him.

"For showing up," I replied and he nodded.

"Bella called me through our family link," he said and I nodded.

"Is, did you, um,"

"He's dead, yes," he replied as if knowing what I wanted to ask and I closed my eyes as relief filled my body, "so you don't need to worry about him showing up at school again."

"Thank you." I whispered as tears filled my eyes once again and he wiped them away before pulling me into his arms. I never knew how badly I wanted that man out of my life until I heard those words. Two years of having to wonder if Emmanuel would ever show up and finish what he had started. Killed me as he had planned to do the day he beat me and stabbed me killing our child.

"You're safe now, Jessie." Princeton whistler as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head, "I will always keep you safe"

a/n here's a new update hope you guys like and don't forget to leave a vote/fan and ps I'm sorry if the chapter sucks...I've been having writer's block that's why I haven't been updating this new book version but I'll try to update as much as I can from now on.



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