Epilogue. Princeton

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*13 years later*

"Come on, Princeton, we're going to be late," Jessie said as he walked into the living room where I was sleeping and I looked up to see him with his hands on his hips and a brow raised.

"Late for what?" I asked and he huffed.

"Did you hit your head that hard while training with Apollo that you don't remember what today is?" He asked making me blink.

"What's going on? I thought you were getting Princeton?" Mama's voice said from the doorway and I saw him with his arms crossed as he looked between Jessie and I.

"Your son here doesn't remember today's date," Jessie said making Mama blink in confusion before sighing, "I think he's hit his head one too many times during training"

"I agree with you on that one Jessie." Mama said and holy fuck I just got a sense of deja vu.

I had this exact same dream but it was a bit different if that makes sense. I mean it was the same but the words were different in a way. I didn't know Jessie was my mate since I always woke up before mama could finish the name. But now here Jessie was saying the exact same thing as he had in my dream all those years ago.

"Okay, can one of both of you tell me what's going on and why we're going to be late?" I asked standing up and stretching my arms over my head and Jessie sighed rubbing his belly. Yes, he was expecting yet again but this time we were having twins, boys to be exact.

"Preston's graduation," he replied and I felt my eyes widen at his words, "it's happening in like half an hour."

"Shit," I cursed before running out of the living room and up the stairs to mine and Jessie's room to change. I quickly got dressed, grabbed my wallet, keys and shoes before meeting my husband and mama outside in the yard, "come on."

We climbed my truck before I practically flew down the drive towards the school that was packed with other families and teachers. I parked the truck next to Apollo's car and got out before all three of us walked to the entrance.

>Are you guys here yet?< Julianna asked through the link. After Jessie and I had adopted his siblings, I was able to give each of them a bite that would allow them to mind-link with the pack without having to turn them into werewolves as it was their choice to make that decision.

>Yes, we're entering the building right now< Jessie said as we walked into the auditorium and I could hear chatter from the bleachers and I looked around to see if I could spot the family and sure enough there they were including Preston's mate. Jenna waved when she spotted us and we climbed up towards them with me helping Jessie. We sat down and we greeted the male next to Jericho who nodded.

"Hello, Ryker," Jessie smiled as he gave a small wave that Ryker retuned.

"Hello Jessie." He greeted back before our attention was turned to the stage where the school's principal stood.

"Good afternoon honored guests, ladies and gentlemen," he greeted as he looked up, "A graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion - the culmination of years of hard work; the actualization of goals attained and the acknowledgement of successes achieved. So, it is only fitting that tonight we commemorate the road that we have all traveled together these last few years."

I looked down at students graduating and spotted Preston and Julianna sitting side by side and smiled.

>Relax pups< I said to them through the mind link and they tensed up before they discreetly looked over their shoulders and up at the bleachers where we sat and I gave them a small wave. They grinned when they spotted me before turning around and I saw their shoulders instantly relax as they focused their attention back on the principal.

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