13. Jessie

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"I'm sorry," I murmured as Princeton wiped the tears away and he raised a brow.

"For what?" He asked confused.

"For always having you come to my rescue and getting hurt," I murmured and he shook his head.

"As I said, I will always keep you safe, Jessie," he replied making me look up, "my priority is and will always be to keep you safe and my family, as well as Alaska, know that."

"Yeah but you were just discharged from the infirmary this morning and got into a fight," I replied.

"Nothing will stop me from protecting you or your siblings," he stated again and I wanted to argue but I also knew that whatever to say, he'll have an answer, so I just nodded which made him smile, "good, now why don't we go get something to eat since I'm sure you're hungry," and as if on freaking cue, my stomach grumbled and I felt my face heat up and he only grinned taking my hand in his before we walked out of my room and headed down the hall towards the dining room.

"Jessie deserves someone better than your brother," we heard as we neared the dining room and stopped to listen to whatever was being said.

"And I'm guessing you?" Bella asked with a snort.

"And what if I'm better than your brother?" Kayden replied making Bella scoff.

"Don't get me wrong Kayden, you're a good guy and deserve to have someone to love, but come on, Jessie and you would never work and I'm not saying it because Princeton is my brother but because you and Jessie are best friends, hell I'm sure he sees you and Max as brothers," Bella said and Kayden scoffed, "Jessie even said it before, or have you forgotten?"

There was silence as she waited for Kayden's reply, "We know you're there," Kayden said and Princeton and I rounded the corner and saw both Bella and Kayden on each end of the island, "if you had to choose between us, Jessie," I furrowed my brows and looked at Kayden in confusion, "who would you choose? If no mate bonds were making you choose?"

"Princeton," I said without a second thought and he clenched his jaw, "Bella is right Kay, I could never see you as anything other than my best friend and brother," a look of pain crossed his face before he schooled his expression and nodded, "you will find someone who's right for you, Kayden, I'm sure of it."

"I want you," he replied as he walked over to me and took my hand not giving a shit that Princeton was beside me, and did something that took me by surprise—he kissed me again. And then all that there was of him was the tingle of his lips on mine before the sound of glass shattering was heard along with Bella's screams. I stared at the space where Kayden had been only to see Princeton hovering over him as he lay on the ground. The rest of the pack had stopped doing what they were doing to see the altercation between Princeton and Kayden.

"You don't deserve him, Princeton," I heard Kayden spit as Princeton raised his balled fist in the air but before he could deliver the blow, Caleb's booming voice froze him in place.

"ENOUGH!" He had yelled and Princeton struggled to control his anger as he shook with fury above Kayden who just smirked up at him, baiting him on. Princeton got off of him instead of falling for Kayden's trap.

"Care to tell us what the fuck is going on?" The older male asked as he stood just a few feet away from his son and Kayden.

"And did you have to break the door, again?" Luca added as he moved to stand beside his husband.

"Sorry, Mama." Princeton apologized, "but it wouldn't have happened had this bastard not kissed Jessie," he glared at Kayden who was getting help from Max.

"You did what now?" Max asked his twin who only shrugged him off.

"You ruined everything," Kayden snarled at Princeton, "why did you have to return to Canada? I was so close to asking Jessie to be my mate when you returned."

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