44. Princeton

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Everything was going according to plan. Patrol had increased. Trialing was brutal. But it was worth it. It was all worth it because one day, three weeks after the omegas were brought to the pack house, the alpha attacked. It had been a peaceful night, well as peaceful as it can get with a a threat looming over us.

Howls and growled had filled the air in the middle of the night from our patrol guards. I had been the first to their aid and the first to kill the first enemy wolf that had crossed onto our territory. It was big rusty brown wolf with glowing yellow eyes. I easily took him down but didn't kill it in fear that it may be one of the omegas' mates. I injured it enough to keep him down from the fight.

Pack and enemy fought each other all around me as I clamped my jaws down on in wolf that had green glowing eyes and silver fur. He whined and whimpered in my jaw but like I didn't kill it. He shifted to his human form and I saw a mark on his shoulder indicating he was mated. Just like the first.

>don't kill them, just injure them enough to keep them down. They all have mate marks< I said through the pack link and I could hear murmurs of agreement as they each took down wolf after wolf, leaving them injured enough to stop fighting.

I felt a sudden pain on my side but when I look down, I didn't see anything meaning that Jessie was in trouble. I looked around the sea of enemy and pack but I couldn't see he's wolf anywhere.



>Wo-woods< he stuttered and I felt my panic increase as I bolted into the woods and followed his scent. The closer I got, the more my fear grew. I ran, dodging tree trunks, docking low hanging tree branches. I saw a flash of lighting the closer I got followed by a whimper and a growl. I jumped in front of Jessie in time to clamp my jaws down on the wolf that had attacked him. I felt it tense in my jaws since I had taken him my surprise.

>it-it's the alpha< Jessie said voice strained and I clamped down harder on the wolf's neck hearing it snap as the asshole struggled to get free. I raked my claws down it's sides making it snarl and twist in my jaws making me let him go. He staggered in his feet as blood dribbled from the punctured wounds on his neck.

>are you okay, love?< I asked Jessie through our mate link

>Yeah, Nikias is already healing the wounds< he replied voice a little stronger than before and I nodded turning my focus on the alpha before me. He lowered his head to the ground and growled before laughing itself at me with the intent of clamping its jaws around my neck but I dodged him and in a flash I had him back in my jaws but this time I made it difficult for him to free himself as I also dug my claws into his sides holding him still and he growled and tried to push me off but that only resulted in my claws digging into him deeper and he whimpered as the scent of blood filled my nose.

I felt him shift under me and because of that, I was forced to let him go. Again he staggered to his feet but this time, blood oozed from his punctured wounds on each of his sides the size of my claws.

"He belongs to me," the alphas sneered as he looked over my shoulder at Jessie and I snarled, jaws in display as I was still in y wolf form and the asshole glared, "his power belongs to me."

The ash sole was stupid enough to run at me in his human form but I clamped my jaws around his midsection in the air making him gasp and blood to trickle down his mouth.

Jessie stood by me, hand in the air as large dark circle enclosed around the rogue alpha.

"Bas-bastard," he coughed and gagged as he struggled to free himself form my grip but I only tightens my hood on him hearing his bones cracking under the pressure has he screamed. Birds and other creatures of the woods scurried away to safety.

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