Chapter Fifty-Eight: So Move On.

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I woke up the next morning and knew that today was the day I had to tell my parents I was going to move in with Luke. I had butterflies in my stomach. I had taken a shower and gotten dressed. It was already 1:00pm. They were both fully awake and sitting at the kitchen table. I went and sat down in front of them. My dad was looking down at the paper and Maria was looking at her phone. I took a deap breathe.

"Can I talk to you guys?" I asked them. They both looked up at me.

"Last time you said that you wanted to drop out of college. But go ahead Tessa whats on your mind?" my dad asked.

"Well you know I'm getting older and more mature. I've decided that I'm ready to move in with Luke." I finally said. They both looked at eachother and then at me as I waited for their response.

"Okay." They both said in unison. I was completely shocked at their answer.

"Wait, seriously?" I asked, not enirely convinced they were being serious.

"Tessa you've come to the age where you can make your own decisions. We know you'll make good choices." Maria explained.

"Thank you!" I got up and hugged them both. I walked out of the kitchen with a big smile on my face. I went into my room and immediatly grabbed my phone and called Luke.

"Hello?" he said in a croggy voice.

"Luke stop sleeping and listen to me. My parents are totally fine with me moving in with you." I said excititedly.

"That's great Tessie. I swear I'll talk to mine when I wake up." he said.

"Luke it's nearly two why are you still sleeping?" I asked.

"I'm a growing boy." he said.

"Okay well I'll let you sleep." he just groaned and hung up the phone. I was extremely astatic when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and Sarah was standing there.

"Oh hey what's up?" I asked her.

"Um I kinda over heard you talking to Luke on the phone." she said.


"I just wanted to say I'm happy for you." she looked down at the ground. I thought to myself for a second.

"Sarah..." she looked up at me. "I forgive you." I said. She gave me a slight smile, and gave me a hug.

"Thank you Tessa." she said. She walked out of my room and sat back on my bed. I was so happy. I might have a relationship again with Sarah. I was moving in with Luke. Everything with my life was going great. I soon fell asleep.


The next morning I really started packing my things. I was moving in with Luke very soon and I couldn't be more excited. While I was packing I heard a knock at the door. I went down and answered the door. When a opened it a women was standing there.

"Can I help you?" I asked her.

"Is Tessa O'Connell here?" she asked.

"Um I'm her." I was completely confused to who she was and why she was asking for me. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a white envelope and held it out to me.

"This is for you." she said.

"Okay? What is it?" I asked her.

"You'll know when you see it." she said and walked back to her car. I just stood there completely confused to who she was and what she had just given me. I closed the door and went sat in the kitchen. Where my dad and Maria sat.

"Who was it?" My dad asked me.

"Um I don't know she just gave me this." I said. He looked up at me.

"Well go and open it." Maria said in excitment. I did was she said and opened the envelope. It was a note...from my mom!

"It's from mom." I said to my dad.

"That's impossible. Tessa your mom couldn't have possibly wrote that." My dad explained. I looked down at the paper. It was worn out and dirty. It looked a couple years old.

"Maybe she wrote it before she died." I explained.

"Tessa I don't know aboiut this." he said.

"Dad I have to read it." I said. I looked back down at the note and started to read.

Dear My Sweet Tessa

Tessa if you're reading this then that means I am no longer with you. Tessa am I only writing this to you to let you know how much I love you and everything in my life was for you. I am will always be your mom. I am hope you are living the best life right now. Hopefully I have lived to see you grow up, fall inlove and make a life of your one. If not I want you to know that no matter what you choose in life I'm sure it will be for the best. I am writing this to you because I want you to know Tessa it is okay. It is okay that I'm gone and it is okay if you and your dad have moved on. I hope you dad finds love again. I only want you to be happy Tessa. So move on. I don't know when or if you're going to see this so I just hope that you will listen to me or have already done what I have said. I love you, Tessa.

Love Mom.

I cried and smiled at the same time. I had finally got my moms letter. She probably hoped I would have seen it earlier but it didn't matter. I looked at it for hours. Thinking about her. I had lost someone that I could never replace. I knew my mom and I knew that she would want me to move on. In all honesty I will always think of my mom, but I have moved on. I'm not weaping around and holding onto the fact that she died. I'm glad I had gotten her letter. She also said how she wanted me to find love and I did. She wanted me to make a life of my own and I am. I am doing what my mom wanted, and where ever she is I hope she knows.


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. I can't believe I'm almost done writing this. Luv ya guys!!!!


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