Chapter Fifty-Five: Whoa what happened to your face?

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Calum's POV:

Luke and Tessa went into her room, and Sarah stood there and looked at me. I could forgive Luke, but Sarah wanted to kiss Luke. She made her decision.

"Hey" Sarah said.

"Listen Sarah, I'm not really in the mood to talk to you." I said.

"I know then just listen... I'm sorry Calum. I honestly don't know what I was doing that night. I liked going to homecoming with you." she said.

''Sarah, I could try and forgive you if you hurt only me. But you hurt Luke, and Tessa. Honestly I don't want to forgive you. I liked the part of that didn't hurt people and the girl and the girl I fell for was just locked away in a room that night. I will forgive you when I find the key to that lock." It felt good to get that of my chest. She just stood there and looked at me. I think she did realize that she had done something terrible.

"I just hope you know I'm sorry." she finally said.

"I know you are." I said. "Um, I'm gonna go say goodbye and to Tessa and Luke and then leave." I said. I walked past her and down the hall. I heard voices through the door.

"You sure you're okay?" Tessa said.

"Yeah I'm fine. How's your head." Luke responded.

"Good...We're both just a train reck." she laughed. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." she said. I opened the door, to reveal Tessa tending to Luke's wounds.

"I'm gonna head out. Luke we're cool?" I said.

"Yeah man." he said to me.

"Calum, sorry about the whole punching in the stomach thing." Tessa said.

"It's good" I walked down the hall and out the door. I grabbed my car from Michaels place. I thought about Luke and Tessa. I thought about how now I was happy I was for them. After all they've been through they still find happiness with each other.

Tessa's POV:

"So here comes the bad part." I said to Luke.

"What?" he said.

"Explaining this to my dad." I said to him. He gupled, I grabbed his hand, and got up from my bed. We made our way into the kitchen where my dad and Maria sat.

"Tessa will you please explain to me what just happened." my dad said.

"Me and Luke got back together and I know you're gonna say I'm making a mistake but I don't think I am. Also I'm not dropping out of college because of Luke." I said. He looked at me then at Luke and then at our hands that were interlocked.

"I always liked you more than Trevor." he smiled at me and Luke. I knew he had accepted my decision. "But if you ever heart my little girl again I will have to use my gun." my dad said. Luke had a slightly scared look on his face. I gave me dad a hug. I walked with Luke back to my room.

"So what now?" he asked me. I thought a bit.

"I'm in the mood for some Nando's." I said. His face lit up with a smile. I put on a sweatshirt. We walked into the living room, and out the door. Me and Luke went and got into his car and then headed to Nando's.


After Nando's me and Luke decided to head back to his place. My house to me was getting somewhat boring. I loved the stories his brothers told me about Luke anyway. We got to his house, and went into his family room. We watched Anchorman. Someone then walked in the door. It was his brother Ben.

"Oh yeah I love this movie." he jumped right next to Luke. Luke shot him an evil look.

"Whoa what happened to your face?" Ben asked.

''Nothing just got into a little fight with Calum." he said, as he turned back to the movie.

"Seems to me more than a little fight with Calum." Ben grabbed Luke chin so he was facing him. Luke pulled his head out of Ben's grip.

"I'm fine." He said. I couldn't help but laugh at how annoyed Luke was that his brother was there.

"Oh hey Tessa." Ben looked over Luke and at me.

"Hey" I waved a bit at him. He looked at me and then at Luke.

"Am I interupting something?" he asked us.

"No" I said.

"Yes" Luke said at the same time as me. I hit him the arm.

"Ben please stay and watch with us." Luke said, in an annoyed tone. Ben smiled at me. We continued watching the movie but I started dozing off, as I leaned on Luke's shoulder.


I was now standing outside staring at a house. It was Beth's house. Police car's and Ambulance surrounded her house. I as back at the day when she was killed. I started freaking out. I couldn't breathe. I felt the same emotions I did that day. I now knew this had to be a dream, and I wanted to desperatly wake up. They carried the same black bag out again. I went and opened the bag like I did that day and I saw her laying there...dead.

I then jolted awake, and screamed. I was was breathing heavily. I was still sitting in Luke's family room.

''Tessa what's wrong?" Luke wrapped his arms around me. I turned and looked at him and then at Ben

"I'm fine, just a nightmare." I said. Ben looked down at his phone and then left the room. I laid back down and cuddled into Luke. I was still breathing heavily.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me.

''No it was just about the day when Beth died." I said.

"Okay" he made circles with his thumb on my back, as I hugged him. I looked over at the time, and saw it was late. I didn't care though. "Do you want to stay the night?" Luke asked me.

"Yeah sure." I said. Me and him went up to his room. He gave me and oversized T-shirt and big sweatpants. I laid donw, trying to get the thought of Beth out of my head.

"You sure you're okay?" Luke asked, as he laid next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine. How's your face?" I touched his nose slightly. His face scrunched up in pain. "Sorry." I said.

"It's okay." he said.

"Why didn't you fight back? I know you can." I asked him.

"I did diserve it a little. I didn't really want to make things worse anyway." he said to me.

"I don't think you deserved it." I said. I kissed him slightly, not wanting to hurt him. He smiled at me. Me and him laid there waiting to fall alseep. I saw that he fell asleep, and then I did after him.

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