Chapter Thrity-Seven: Oh. My. Fucking. God.

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I woke up for school that morning and straightened my hair, then put it in a pony tail and my makeup. I then went into my closet and got a black crop top. Then I put on plain jeans, and the I put a flannel over my black top. I went into my jewelry box and grabbed out a yin, yang sign choker, and a bracelet that then went around me middle finger. I finally put on black vans.

I went into the kitchen, and for once my dad wasn't sitting at the table.I continued to eat my plain bagel, with cream cheese. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I started to walk when I heard Michael call my name. I turned around and stopped to wait for him.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi" It was completely awkward now that I had seen my best friend topless in my other friend's room.

"So did you do the chemistry homework?'' he said, trying to stay off the topic.

"Um yeah, I'm not very good at chemistry so I probably got it all wrong." I bit my lip and looked at the ground.

"Okay listen Tessa this can't be awkward between us from now on." he finally said.

"Yeah, why don't we forget about the whole ordeal." he nodded and we continued to walk to school. I the walked to my locker. I started to unpack when Beth approached me.

"Beth I don't want to talk about it." I said, and before she could say anything else Luke had already been next to me leaning against the locker next to mine.

"What don't you want to talk about?" he had his signature smirk on his face.

"Nothing it doesn't matter." I said nervously. I couldn't tell anyone what I had seen, not even Luke.

"Okay now I know it's something really embarrassing either about you or about someone you know" he said.

"When did you start wanting to know gossip?" Beth said to him.

"And when did you start staying over at Michael's house?" he giggled.

"You told him!" she snapped at me.

"No of course not, I don't know how he knew." I said.

"I knew because I saw you car in his driveway, and don't worry it's not like you guys did it or anything, I know you just stayed over at his place." he said. He was completely oblivious and stupid, but it was one of thing you had to love about him. Beth looked at the ground trying not to look Luke in the eyes.

"Oh. My. Fucking, God." he said, his jaw practically hit the floor, in shock. She looked up at him.

"I now can never talk to you ever again, Luke" she said. She turned and walked away.

"I didn't think they would actually have s-" I covered his mouth with my hand.

"We don't need the whole school finding out, so Luke I swear to God if you tell anyone I wil break you legs next time I see you." I said, firmly. He nodded and I took my had off his mouth.

"I should really get to homeroom." he said.

"Bye." I pecked him on the cheek and he walked away. I walked to homeroom, and sat next to Beth. Without looking at her I whispered to her.

"You shouldn't feel ashamed, he is your boyfriend after all."

"I know but come on, I honestly thought you would be first." I looked at her confused,and somewhat offended

"What do you mean you thought I would be first?"

"I thought you and Luke would do it before me and Michael." she clarified.

"I feel slightly offended." I said.

"Why, I mean your more of that type of girl." she said. Okay now I was completely offended.

"So you're saying that I'm the type of girl that what's to have sex with someone?" I snapped.

"Tessa your not thinking, that's not what I meant" she said, trying to stay calm.

"No I get it Beth, I know what you meant." The bell rang and I got up, and walked without her. I made it to chemistry and sat in my normal seat and prayed that Beth sat with Michael, because I was now completely pissed off at her. She just thinks I more likely to have hook up with a guy, than she is. I might be over reacting but I didn't care. Beth walked in the room, and of course she sat next to me and Michael sat behind us. I got up angrily and sat next to Michael.

"Is there something going on here?" he asked

"No." I snapped.

"Tessa your totally getting angry over nothing" she said.

"Really Beth because I shouldn't be angry that I would sleep with someone before you because it was the type of girl I was." I said. Michael just sat there as we argued.

"You shouldn't be the one angry here. I'm the one that got peeped on by my best friend." she said.

"I wasn't peeping I wanted Michael to open his blinds to see if he was home. I didn't even know you were there. You're never there, but I guess that's just the type of girl you are." I snapped. She didn't say anything else and turned around. Michael gave me a look that he was terrified.

"Sorry you shouldn't have had to be in the middle of that." I said.

"I'm just going to pretend I didn't see anything." he said. We took notes the whole class and I must have ripped the paper three times because I wrote so hard because I was angry.


I walked home that afternoon, Michael caught up to me. He just walked next to me for a minute, not saying anything.

"You're going have to talk to her." he finally said.

"I'd rather not." I said. I just looked ahead of me.

"The argument was stupid anyway." he said.

"You're only saying that because you know I'm right, and she your girlfriend so you can't technically say she is wrong." I now stopped and was looking straight at him.

"Okay fine what she said, was kind of wrong, but she didn't mean it to be like that." he sighed.

"Michael I'm not talking about my argument with your girlfriend." I said calmly now, because I had no right to be mad at Michael.

"You're right." he said. We continued to walk home. When we got to my house Michael stopped me at the end of my driveway.

"Please don't let this ruin your friendship with Beth...promise." he said. I let out a sigh.

"I promise, but that doesn't mean I'm going on to apologizing." I said.

''Good enough." he said.

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