Chapter Forty-Seven: She was and would always be a Bitch

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"We should probably head back inside." I said. He nodded and we walked back towards the school. We entered back into the gym and a lot of people had already left. I walked up to Sarah.

"Hey where did everyone go?" I asked her.

"To some after party Andy Ross's house. We were just heading over there, you guys want to come?" she asked me and Luke.

"Yeah sure." I said.

"How about me, Tessa and Bella head back to my house to change and we'll meet you guys there." Sarah suggested. They nodded, so we walked back to the car and back to my house.

We had made it to the party and we could hear loud music coming from the house. I was a bit nervous I had never been to a big party before. I went to some small parties with Beth a couple times but nothing this big. We all headed inside. I immediately looked for Luke. I had lost Bella and Sarah so I had no one to help me look. I immediately saw Luke's hair through the crowd. I was lucky he was so tall because I would have never have found him. He hadn't seen me yet so I started walking over to him. I was stopped when someone had bumped into me, spilling their drink all over me. I smelt of alcohol. I looked up at the person who had spill their drink on me.

He was tall and had his hair up in a quiff, much like Luke's except he was a brunette. He had bright green eyes, he was the type of guy that a girl would kill for.

"Oh wow I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." he said, staring into my eyes.

"It's okay. I wasn't really paying attention either." I said.

"Come on let me help you get cleaned up." He said. He started walking so I followed him a bathroom. He grabbed paper towel and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I waited for him to tell me his name.

"My names Tyler by the way." he finally said.

"Hi I'm Tessa." I pressed the paper towel to my shirt, trying so dry myself. "I haven't seen you at my school before." I said.

"Oh I live a couple towns over, but my cousin is Andy so he invited me." he said. I finally had dried my shirt. "Again I'm really sorry about spilling my drink on you." he said.

"It's really fine. Um well I better get back to my friends." I said.

"Um, yeah." He opened the door to the bathroom, and we walked out. Luke immediately made eye contact with me, and he did not look happy. He stoped over here.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" he asked Tyler in a firm voice.

Uh oh. My heart dropped when Luke grabbed him by the collar, and pushed him up against a wall.

"Hey man what the hell?" Tyler asked.

''Why the hell did you just come over the bathroom with her?" he snapped. Before Tyler could respond, I walked over them both.

"Luke let him go" I grabbed his hands and pulled them off Tyler. "He accidentally spilled his drink on me and was helping me get cleaned up." I snapped. He just stared at me, and then stormed away.

"Tyler I'm really sorry about him." I said.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"My boyfriend." I said.

"Oh" he almost looked upset that I had a boyfriend.

"I should probably find him." I said. He nodded and I walked off and tried to look for Luke. I pushed through the crowd, when I finally found Luke over by the drinks.

"What the fuck was that about?" I snapped.

"How was I supposed to know he was just helping you get cleaned up. Usually when two people come out of a bathroom at a party, that means they most likely hooked up." he said.

"Luke you should know I wouldn't do that to you." I said, more calmly

"I know I just didn't think." he said.

"Yeah we've established that." I rolled me eyes.

"I'm sorry." he said. He rapped his arms around my waste.

"You are forgiven." I said. He kissed me slightly. We danced a bit and had a lot of fun. I drank a good amount, to the point where I was completely dazed.

"I'm gonna go pee." Luke said.

"Okay" I giggled a bit.


Time had passed and Luke still hadn't gotten back from the bathroom, so I decided to go and look for him. I asked Calum where he might have been.

"I haven't seen him, and do you know where Sarah is?" he asked. I shook my head. I walked off and continued to look. I stumbled my way upstairs to look for him. I turned to the left and he wasn't there, but when I turned to the right I saw him. But he wasn't alone. Sarah stood there with him, with her lips pressed against his. I stood there in shock at what I looking at. He wasn't kissing her back but he still wasn't pushing her away. Eventually she pulled away, and I still stood there. Luke stared at her for a second and then turned and saw me standing there staring at the two of them. I was now crying.

"Tessa it's not what it looks like." he said.

"Oh because it looks a lot like you kissing my step sister." I snapped.

"Let me explain." he pleaded.

"No, just don't even bother. We're done." I said. I ran back down the stairs. He called after me, but I ignored him. I ran a looked for Calum or Michael. I finally saw Calum, as he sat in a chair. I wiped away my tears. He looked up at me, and stood up.

"Um, can you take me home?" I asked. He looked at me with a concerned look on his face.

"Tessa are you okay? Have you been crying?" he asked.

"Yeah can you just please take me home." I repeated.

"Yeah let me just tell Sarah." he said.

"I don't think you want to do that." I looked at him. I felt my heart shatter. I knew Calum liked Sarah, but she was and would always be a jealous bitch that only cared about herself.

"Why what happened?" he asked. I started to cry even more.

"Okay okay we don't have to talk. Come on." He grabbed me by the shoulders as we pushed our way through the great amount of people. Eventually we got out of the house, and made our way to his car. I got into the passenger side. I just looked out the window the whole time, silently crying. I fell asleep as we drove on. The next thing I knew I felt someones arms go under my legs and my back. He picked me out of the car and carried me into the house. He laid me on my bed.

I opened my eyes slightly, and saw Calum about to leave.

"Can you stay?" I asked. He turned back and looked at me.

"Yeah." he said. He moved into next to me. I hoped he didn't ask about what had happened. I put my head on his shoulder, and cried. He laid there drawing circles and my arm with his thumb.

"I know I don't know what happened but I'm sorry." he said.

"Thanks" I said. I eventually fell asleep, but all I could think of was how Luke's lips were pressed against Sarah's. I sometimes thought about the fact that I was dating Luke Hemmings, but now I thought of how I had just broke up Luke Hemmings.


A/N: Hey I know you guys probably hate me even more. I don't know why I do these things to you guys and myself but I promise it will get better. Just keep reading. Luv ya guys!!!!!


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