Chapter Twelve: I'm Going To Pour Sauce All Over my Dear Sister

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I got through three more periods and then it was lunch time. Today was spaghetti day and knowing Beth she always took my lunch but it's okay I didn't like the pasta at school anyway. I got to the table and Beth and I switched lunches and began to eat.

"So what's going on?" she said nervously.

"What did you do?" I asked her

"No it's what I heard you did." she gulped.

"Oh my God Beth of course I didn't hook up with Luke, I barely wanted to go out with him." I said firmly.

"I knew you didn't do it... Michael owes my ten bucks." she said under breath.

"You bet Michael that I hooked up with Luke?!" I said. She gave me an inosent smile.

I looked over Beth's shoulder and I saw Sarah sitting and laughing with her friends. She didn't even feel bad for what she did and she was going to pay. I got up from the table, keeping my eyes on her.

"Where are you going?" she asked

"I'm going to pour sauce all over my dear sister." I said with a smile on my face. I walked over towards Sarah and on my way I past Luke's table and without looking at him I grab his tray.

"Tessie what are you doing?" he said. I kept walking knowing if I told him what I was about to do he would definitely stop me.

I now stood behind Sarah. Her friends pointing towards me.

"Oh hey Tessa." she said in a sassy tone.

"So I heard what you've been saying about me and Luke." I snapped. She stood up.

"Whatever are you talking about." she said sarcastically, then laughing and looking back at her friends. At that point I took the tray and poured pasta all over her hair.

"You did not just do that!" she said.

"I just did." I said with a huge smile on my face. I went to turn around and Luke was standing up in shock in what I just did.

"Tessie I'm very disappointed in you."

"She deserved it." I said.

"No, I'm disappointed because a good plate of pasta was just wasted." we both laughed. I walked back to my table, and Michael was sitting in my seat.

"I can't believe you did that." He giggled

"I can't believe you bet that I hooked up with Luke." I said putting my hand on my hip.

"You told her?" Michael whispered to Beth.

"It just slipped up." she said. He moved over to the seat next to me.

"Don't worry I'm not mad." I said

"Okay." he said whipping sweat off his forehead.

"One question though... What would make you thing that I would do that with Luke?" I asked

"The boy has a way with girls."

"Yeah but I'm me and he's him though."

"Exactly." he Michael laughed. I punch him in the arm.

"Ow." He moaned

"Next time I'll hit you where you really feel it."

"She's not joking. one time, in 5th grade, this annoying kid down the street was picking on me so she threw a baseball at his face, and broke his nose..., just imagine what she could do to you now." Beth said. He looked at me and then back at Beth.

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