Chapter Three: His Face Reminded me of a Stuffed Bear.

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"So what are you really doing here, because since you knew I was you neighbor you knew I wasn't following you."

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" he said confidently, like he knew my answer. 

"Yeah sure why not." I said

"Okay after school tomorrow I'll meet you at our locker."

"Okay and from now on use the front door."

"You know I won't, so why would I tell you that I would."

"I'll see you tomorrow." He walked towards the sliding doors onto the balcony and climbed down.

"You're crazy." I called after him

"That's why you said yes!" he responded

I laughed at his comment. I went into the kitchen an grabbed a cheese stick and glass of water. I turned around and bumped into Sarah and water poured down her shirt.

"Watch where you are going!"

"Sorry I didn't see you there." 

"Well keep your eyes open next time!" This was the shit that got people kicked in the shins.

"I said I was sorry Sarah."

"Well apology not excepted." she said drying her shirt of with paper towel.

"Whatever." I said walking back into my room putting my ear-bud on and listening to All time Low. I faintly heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" my step mom Maria, opened the door.

"Tessa there is someone here to see you."


"Some boy, he didn't say his name." she said.

"Okay." I said getting up keeping one ear-bud in. I walked to the front door opening it revealing Calum standing there.

"Hey what's up?"

"Nothing I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me tonight."

"Yeah sure." I said grabbing my bag and walking out door with him.

"So who was the scary women who answered the door?"

"Oh that's my step mom."

"Oh I didn't know you had a step mom."

"I bet you didn't know that Sarah Jennings is my step sister."

"Oh wow she's a hand-full."

"Don't I know it."

"So where are we going?"

"It's suprise and if you would so kindly get in my car I would gladly take you there."

"Okay?" We drove for a while in silence. Then I found myself staring at him for a while

Who did he remind me of? I thought to myself. His face reminds me of a stufed bear.

"Thanks?" he said out of no where

"What?" I snapped out of it.

"You said that my face reminded you of a stuffed bear."

"I was completely thinking out loud." I said completely embarresed

"Oh that explains it." 

"So are we almost there yet?" I said trying to change the subject.

"Two more minutes."

"Ugh I can't wait that long." 

"You'll survive." he said to me. we sat there in silence for  few minutes, while I tried to think where we were going but I had no clue.

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